The leaders of Puno, the epicenter of anti-government demonstrations and the only region where mobilizations and blockades persist, reacted this Saturday to the announcement by President Dina Boluarte of her imminent arrival to “drop off” the forces.

Dina Boluarte will travel to Puno: “It’s time to give back the strength, my alternative is not to resign”
The president sent a message to the only region where mobilizations and blockages persist. “I want to solve the Puno problem, we are going there soon”, he announced
“History has called me and I am solving the country’s problems. I want to solve the Puno problem, we will go soon, when we arrive at a peaceful conversation, while waiting for the executive officials are there, “said the head of state the day before in a press release from Lambayeque.
For Amador Nunez, President of the Front of Popular Organizations (FOP), the initiative is an affront, since Boluarte described the demonstrators as “vandals, terrorists, illegal miners and smugglers”. “Puno is not Peruthe president said a few weeks ago, although the executive later remarked that it was not an expression of “discrimination or arrogance”.
“With what morality will he arrive after killing 21 of our compatriots, including minors. That he respects his commitment to resign. Nothing more”, questioned Núñez in dialogue with The Republic.

The ace Aymara communities They also unanimously agreed that the president would not be welcome in the region. “If he comes, we will take it as a provocation. She must understand that we do not want her. (…) We only want her resignation”, declared the head of Juli, Aurelio Pacompia.
In AdditionalConsequently, she was declared a public enemy. “Thousands of us went to Puno to demonstrate and made it clear that we are continuing our strike. Everything will be back to normal when he steps down, and the polls say it, they agree with us, 76% are calling for his resignation immediately,” said Lake Region leader Hugo Yucra.
On behalf of the Coata River basin, Félix Suasaca assured that the population will simply not receive it and considered that he “damaged the dignity” of the inhabitants of the 13 provinces by assuring that the 18 deaths in Juliaca were due to dum-dum bullets and that We are managed by the Red Ponchos of Bolivia.
“This lady has no blood on her face. After sending soldiers and persecuting leaders, he is now threatening to come to Puno. We are not going to accept that. Let him resign, period. This is what the population is asking for,” he continued.

The second ‘Take of Lima’ would take place on March 1 with the arrival of leaders of social organizations from Puno
According to a document from the Criminal Security Division of the National Police, citizens of the districts of Puno de Pomapata, Yunguta, Sepita, among others, would travel to the capital from this Saturday, February 25.
Last week, the regional governor Richard Hanco He ruled out meeting at the Palace of the Boluarte government, whose administration he described as “irresponsible” and without “conciliatory gesture”. According to Huancco, all expressions of Boluarte on this region “inflamed” the population.