He dad francisco appointed Archbishop of La Plata, Monsignor Victor Manuel Fernandezas a member of the new Vatican Department of Culture and Education.
In this way, the Sovereign Pontiff has added another Argentinian to his team, after in May last year he was summoned as a consultant to the Congregation for Catholic Education Jose Maria del Corral there Enrique Palmeyrowho was already directing the pontifical foundation Meeting schools.
According to what was clarified by the Catholic News Agency (AICA), “Tucho” Fernández has already been a member for two periods of the Pontifical Council for Culture, but he now joins this new dicastery, which deals with both the dialogue between faith and culture and issues related to education and church-related universities.
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“We are aware of the interest you have always cultivated in educational and cultural questions and we hope that your preparation and your rich experience will make a valuable contribution both to the life of the Church, in universities and schools, and in the vast field of dialogue culture. “, underlined the prefect of this body, the cardinal Jose Tolentino Mendoncain a letter he sent to La Plata.
Just a few months ago, the archbishop of the city of La Plata received a message from Pope Francis himself, who thanked him for the act that took place in the cathedral of the capital of Buenos Aires, in the presence of pro-government leaders. and opponents, to whom he addresses a message of unity.

“My soul consoles me that my person has made possible this moment of communion, of meeting beyond differences, because sometimes these little “truces” prevent violence and confrontations from continuing to advance. It never does a country any good and ends up hurting especially those who suffer the most,” the Sovereign Pontiff said on this occasion.
At this event, which took place at the end of last September, there were, for example, the governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillofcivil servants from Buenos Aires and the municipality of La Plata, leaders, legislators and councilors of the Frente de Todos and Juntos por el Cambio, and members of social organizations.
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“Above all, I was delighted that in this act they reflected on some of the content of Laudato si’ and of Brothers all, not because they are my documents, but because they speak of serious and decisive questions that today we cannot ignore for the good progress of nations,” the Pope added.
In this sense, he stressed that “there is a lot to do in Argentina, so that everyone can live from the dignity of work and so that there are no second-class citizens”. But he warned that “nothing significant or stable will be achieved with aggressive bias.”
“I received information that sectors of all colors of politics, other religious denominations, people from education, culture, business, justice, etc., were represented. And with them, the most humble workers and the poor who marched as social movements, supported by their faith and carrying the Virgin and Saint Cayetano were present. They formed a beautiful image together,” he added.
In the dicastery that Fernández will now integrate, the cardinals also exercise functions Luis Antonio TaglePrefect of the Department for the Evangelization of Peoples and President of Caritas Internationalis; Luis Ladaria Ferrerprefect of the department of the Doctrine of the Faith; Jean-Claude Hollerich, Archbishop of Luxenburg; the archbishops, monsignor Rino Fisichella and monsignor Paul-Andre Durocherwith the philosopher Francois Torralbaamong others.
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