A new fire was recorded on Tuesday, March 14, inside the facilities of the Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) Deer Park refinery, in Texas. This is the second incident in less than three weeks.

The company told Reuters by email that work was already underway to extinguish it: “The site’s emergency response team is on site working to mitigate the incident.”
Similarly, the fire would be brought under control in the refinery premises. Deer Park has the capacity to process over 300,000 barrels of crude oil per day.
Algunos minutes después, Pemex declares that lograron tenerlo bajo control: “El incidente provocó humo obscuro que era visible en la comunidad y estuvo bajo control en 20 minutos”. in the sky.
In the same way, he warns that there were no human losses or injuries: “All the workers on the site have been identified safe and sound. Our team members are currently assessing the damage to the facility and the cause of the fire.”
On February 23, another fire burned through the facility. The emergency crew took an hour to quell the fire and resumed operations afterwards; however, two other accidents were recorded at two other Pemex facilities: in Ixhuatlán, Veracruz; and Minatitlan.