This Friday, 7 agents from the Under-Secretariat for Delegated Programs and the Development of Public Roads (SPAOV), 3 elements of Health Protection Agency of the government of Mexico and 10 of the tourist police of the SSC of the CDMX carried out a operating in opticians located in the premises of the Historical Center.

According to a statement issued by the corresponding authorities, they indicated that the primary objective of these actions is “to preserve the health of the inhabitants of the capital and that these establishments comply with the regulations in this area”. Members of the CDMX Government Health Protection Agency visited three outlets in a building on Bolívar Street and after identifying clear signs of health risk in two placesthey began to impose activity suspension stamps.
Through the agency’s social media, photographs and videos have been shared that document the type of facilities where eye exams are performed. Which are mostly insufficient, also reported expired drugs, employees and professionals without certification and with zero hygiene when performing procedures.
On the other hand, the SPAOVP called on citizens to be vigilant, because this type of establishment often resorts to “theft” to attract customers, which is prohibited by the Plan for the Ordering of Trade on the Public Roads of the Center historical.
For its part, the government of the capital has announced that it plans to examine a total of 61 companies, so far they have 41, of the 20 that have already been verified, 3 have been closed and 17 sanctioned.

What is a health risk?
It is the probability of occurrence of an event that endangers the health or life of people. Types of risk include:
– Contaminated water
-Dangerous drugs or vaccines
-Environmental contamination
If you are a victim or witness of any type of abuse in a commercial establishment, a complaint can be filed with a call 089or directly to the Office of the Federal Consumer Attorney (Profeco).
At the end of February, the Federal Commission for Protection against Health Risks (cofepris) partially suspended company activities Psychopharmaceutical SA de CV after finding irregularities in the production of psychiatric drugs.
During health control visits, Cofepris detected irregular handling of substances subject to health control. In particular, they detected breach of health registry, manufacture of drugs without respect for good practices, absence of raw material control books, presence of raw material to manufacture solids while your permit includes injectables, use of test batches as a finished product to be marketed and waste of packaging in garbage bags, which could lead to the sale of counterfeit products.

In addition to the partial suspension, Cofepris secured raw materials and controlled drugs. The institution analyzes the options so that the product reaches the patients in a timely manner; however, they have warned that it will first undergo analysis and if it does not meet the requirements, it will be discarded.
“Cofepris will subject the products of Psicofarma SA de CV to strict analysis, and if they do not comply with the established standards, the product must be destroyed in accordance with the provisions of national regulations.”
In the letter of conclusions addressed to Psicofarma SA de CV, the institution indicated that the irregularities noted in the document are not a complete list irregularities noted but which are “symptomatic of serious problems with manufacturing and the company’s quality management system”.