The Norwegian royal family has confirmed through a statement that Princess Mette-Marit, wife of Crown Prince Haakon, has tested positive for coronavirus after experiencing a series of symptoms similar to those of a common cold. This convalescence has been described as “mild” in the note with which the news has been released, published just days after the future queen consort celebrated her 49th birthday.
The princess’s infection, beyond the fact that it has not led to serious consequences, will force everyone around her to take extreme precautions because she is a high-risk patient. It must be remembered that, in 2018, Princess Ingrid Alexandra’s mother revealed that she had been diagnosed with a chronic illness that could considerably alter her work pace. Mette-Marit suffers from a rare type of pulmonary fibrosis, a respiratory ailment.
“For a few years now, I have been experiencing changes in my health on a regular basis, and now we know a little more about why. This disease means that my ability to work will change. The Crown Prince and I have decided to communicate this because in the future we will need plan certain periods of free time, without an official agenda. It may happen during treatments or when the disease is in a more active stage, “explained the princess at the time.
This disease is degenerative and, to date, there is no definitive cure, as Mette-Marit pointed out in her statement. On the other hand, and regardless of the fact that the fatigue derived from his condition has forced him to take life more calmly, in 2019 the daughter-in-law of King Harald and Queen Sonia did not hesitate to publicly share the most positive side of such a particular situation. : “Now I can make more decisions about my daily life and think about what is beneficial for me. I can go for a walk, I have more time to read. My rhythm has slowed down,” he said.