Do journalism in Mexico is a great challenge, given the conditions of insecure to carry it out, in addition to avoiding the disqualifications of the various local, state and national political actors, who do not accept the questions of their management and who only want to say good things about it.

In this case, it was once again President Andrés Manuel López Obrador who, in his press conference, La Mañanera, again attacked the journalism that is done in Mexico, after the journalist Nayeli Roldán, from political animalconfronted him and questioned the espionage carried out by the National Defense Secretariatl (Sedena) to the human rights defender Raymond Ramos with the tool Pegasus, which caused the annoyance of the federal executive.
Likewise, in the response that López Obrador gave to the journalist, he disqualified the media where he works, saying that political animal was against him, just like Carmen Aristegui, the magazine Processthe association Article 19, R3D and SocialTicwho published the article, last Tuesday, March 7.

And when the aforementioned reporter asked AMLO if General Audomaro Martinez Zepeda go out for The morning to this he will explain the legal basis for espionage and the purchase of Pegasus and that the contracts were not transparent, the Mexican president again disqualified.
“No es from lo que a ustedes les conviene, que son contrarios a nosotros… ustedes no van a marcar la agenda, tienen todo los medios para expresarse, manifestarse, todos los días nos atacan, no hay objetividad, no hay professionalismo, it’s a tendentious press, sold, rented in the service of the corrupt, so why are we going to make the fatty broth for you,” an annoyed López Obrador said. Likewise, he pointed out that political animal He received money from the previous government and he could prove it, “so they are still against us,” said the president again. It should be noted that during this confrontation, the staff of the presidency of the ‘Mañanera’ tried to take the microphone of Nayeli Roldán, a situation that was recorded, considering that the event was broadcast live.

Formerly, the collaborator of News AristeguiDenise Dresser reported that in September 2022, he filed an amparo petition with the Federal Judiciary against the President of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), for the disqualifications which he had received from the National Palace.
“As a victim of this verbal murderbecause I’ve been mentioned 87 times In the Roman circus of the National Palace, I decided to exercise my right, and everyone’s right, to defend myself against an abusive ruler. In September, I filed a request for protection for the violation of my – and our rights – before the judiciary of the Federation,” writes the political scientist in her column.
Similarly, during the presentation of the security bunker he built Genaro Garcia LunaIn the video of his presentation, the voiceover indicates that the entire bunker project never could integrate national systems into a single database.
“García Luna introduced his new intelligence center to friendly prime-time reporters, like Carlos Loret de Mola, Joaquín López-Dóriga or Carlos Marínamong many others, ”we hear in the video that was presented.
It should be noted that until the first half of 2022, Section 19 recorded 331 attacks against journalists and media, comparing this figure to the same period of 2016, an increase of 51.83% of attacks was recorded, that is, it took place in the government of Enrique Pena Nieto 218 recorded attacks.