netflix bet on music with the integration of karaoke on the platform, this time with the launch of the original series ‘The first time’. GlobeLiveMedia He learned exclusively that the app has decided to add this tool so that users can interact with a key element of production.
The artists Manuel Medrano there Juliana are the voices behind the official song, which is already available in karaoke format and narrates an important part of the series produced in Colombia.
“Blending classic elements of ballads, soul and R&B, this song has everything it takes to captivate audiences, who can perform it on Netflix with Eva Samper and Camilo Granados, the main characters of this story”, reported the app in exclusive to Infobase.
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To access this new function, platform subscribers must search for the series, enter the main title page where the synopsis, technical sheet and trailer section are located; in the latter, you must click on the video ‘Season 1 Teaser 2: The first time’, where the karaoke will start.
This announcement opens the doors for the platform to enjoy more original songs so that users interact in different ways with the content that has become established over time.
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‘The First Time’ is a production that has the support of Proimagenes Colombia and some Colombian Ministry of Culture through the Audiovisual Investment Certificate – CINA.
It is led by Mateo Stivelberg there Maria Gamboa and the screenplay was written Dago Garcia. Set in the 70s, it’s the love story of Eva and Camilo, who falls madly in love with her and battles her shyness in an attempt to seduce her, while discovering her darkest secret. .
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netflix added one more account on the social network of Meta, Instagram, @netflixcolombia, in which he already has more than 600,000 subscribers. This new announcement represents that the country has relevance in the platform market in the region, with great series that have been released on the platform ‘streaming’.
In Latin America, countries like Chile, Brazil and Mexico They also have their own accounts to share exclusive premieres. On the one hand, @netflixbrasil He has a total of 34.9 million subscribers, with over 4,000 posts.
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Besides, @netflixchile has a total of 277,000 subscribers and over 1,000 posts, and @netflixmx It has a total of 822,000 subscribers, with more than 2,000 posts within the social network.
Previously, platform users followed the account of Netflix Latin America, @netflixlat, which has a total of 24.4 million subscribers, in which everyone in Colombia and some countries in the region has discovered the most important news through this medium. Now with your own Colombian account it will be much easier.
With their slogan “Go ahead, go ahead and watch without compromise”, which they have in the description of the biography, they have already made four publications, the first of which was by the main actor of the series “You”Penn Badgley, in which he welcomed him to Colombia for the opening of his new account.