Big Brother 2022: Nacho’s nomination

While Big brother goes through its last instances, each player tries to measure very precisely how they behave at home, taking into account that everything is visible on the outside and that ultimately it is the public who decides by their vote who will be the reality show winner Under these conditions, it is not surprising that some of the little brothers try to “soften” their image and generate complicity and empathy in others, even if this leads to showing themselves necessarily with pets.

When Santiago del Moro announced that two new participants would enter, the house was revolutionized and there were even faces of disapproval at the measure taken, although everything changed when it was discovered that these new residents were two dogs, initially baptized as Caramel there moro (in homage to the driver of the cycle) only to discover later that the latter is in fact a female, so it was immediately decided to change the name to Delmora and finally it remained in More.

His arrival and the way he revolutionized the house was the point sought from the production to give him more appeal than reality TV already had. And like in the beginning Romina there Marcos they confessed that they each wanted to stay with one of them, that thought started to liquefy. and welcome, especially since Gaston Trezeguet He confirmed just a few days ago that the pets’ stay in the house would end in about a week.

At first it was the man from Salta who got along the best with the two puppies, even they were the ones who looked for him to play and run. However, that started to change when the other members started sticking to the puppies and spurring them on, preventing them from moving freely.

Nacho and Lucila, accused of using dogs to generate empathy
Nacho and Lucila, accused of using dogs to generate empathy

Two of the participants who use the dogs, according to comments made on social networks, are Nacho and La Tora, of which an important event was recalled this week, such as going to the confessional to vote with the dog on the lap . After this fact another detail occurred last Sunday which has La Tora as the protagonist, which when called by Big Brother to the confessional to speak to the camera and detail the details of why she should continue in the game, did it accompanied by one of the pets.

We must also not forget what happened in the last few days, when it had already been decided that Lucila would be nominated, Nacho took Caramelo, picked him up and placed him in front of one of the cameras to give a speech about why she should stay and continue in the game. So many questions that have cycle followers splurging on social media about what happened.

“The puppies are not pitiful, they ask for help please to keep them away from this psychiatrist”, commented one of the Internet users, while another assured that “it is also mistreatment, because animals are not used to pretending”. “Both focusing on the puppies and asking that they not vote for them, disgusting,” another follower of the cycle explained, while another said that “it is obvious that both use the small animals to look good on the outside. She’s more visible there, she grabs them and sees if a camera picks her up,” only to then say that that way he and she “keep subtracting.”

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