He cannabis It is a plant that has been used for its medicinal properties. Contains over 100 chemical compounds understood as cannabinoidsthe best known being tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD).
It is important to note that the consumption of cannabis and its derivative products is regulated by the laws of each country, and that its legality and regulation vary according to the regions of the world.
Its use in Peru for treatments has become known thanks to associations, mainly patients and relatives, who have recorded improvements during its consumption. For the year 2021, the Ministry of Health has published a draft regulation that regulates the medicinal and therapeutic use cannabis and its derivatives.

At that time, the associations “Buscando Esperanza”, “Mi Esperanza Brota de la Tierra” and “Legaliza Perú” expressed their support for the draft new regulations that would benefit at least 10,000 users.
The question of consumption and regulations has launched a new debate, since as of February 2023, the regulations approved by the Ministry of Healtha fact that affects associations and patients because of the guidelines proposed and exposed in the Supreme Decree No. 004-2023-SA.

The document, published in the newspaper El Peruano, indicates the specifications regarding its use, licensing, export, access to seedsamong other factors that refer to the medicinal and therapeutic aspect.
“For the importation of cannabis and cannabis seeds, in addition to the license, the authorization issued by SENASA must be available and comply with the provisions established for phytosanitary control.”
Following the above, the relevant spokespersons spoke. According to what was published by La República, the representative of the “Buscando esperanza” collective, Ana Álvarez, maintains that in the draft regulations an additional provision was indicated, which gave them 60 days to register their seeds. , but it was omitted from the official document.
This means that seeds can only be acquired through an intermediaryaccredited laboratories.
Álvarez expresses that they do not know what will happen to the plants they have in their possession, and more seriously, what will happen to consumers who have already received the different varieties of strains that the associations have available. “The only authorized laboratory is Cann Farm Peruand they say they don’t have seeds (varieties),” he explained.
Regarding the import process: Article 12 indicates that “cannabis, cannabis seeds and cannabis derivatives for medical and therapeutic use may be imported by approved pharmaceutical establishments”.

The Sativainfo portal has published an article in which it shares the importance of seeds suitable for medical needs. They quote the pharmaceutical chemist, Eduardo Pinto, who explains that the different types of cannabis are due to the seeds, and that by changing these, they would not guarantee the same therapeutic reaction.
To understand his point, he gives as an example a case in Israel. To treat people with autism spectrum disorders, a chemotype who controlled his aggressive behavior. When changing varieties, and despite the same percentages of THC there CBDthey recorded a setback in their treatments.
With this regulation, it will not be possible to vary the strains according to the patients, which would make it difficult to find the adequate dose. The government specifications will mean that, for each strain, a prescription will be required. The representative of the association adds that a user could require up to four prescriptions per month, which would represent consultations that they would have a value of S/100.00amount to which not all families have access.
Given this context, the associations have spoken out to indicate that they will present precautionary measures as soon as they become aware of the regulations on the use of cannabis, which, due to their specificities, would not benefit consumers in the context of of their drug and therapeutic treatments.
From a medical point of view, the cannabis It has been used to relieve symptoms of various diseases and conditions, such as chronic pain, inflammation, epilepsymultiple sclerosis, disease Parkinson’sglaucoma, post-traumatic stress disorder and certain types of cancer.
He cannabidiol (CBD), one of the main components of cannabis, has been studied for its analgesic properties, anti-inflammatory and anxiolytics. It is important to note that the use of cannabis for medical purposes must be supervised by a medical professional.