The fire broke out in a field near General Rodríguez and affected the high voltage power lines that connect

How the 2019 Father’s Day ‘blackout of the century’ happened, which left 50 million people without power
It happened on June 16 of this year. The “blackout” was so great that it overtook Argentina and reached parts of Uruguay and Brazil. The government at the time accused Transener, the electricity transmission company
This is how the massive blackout began, around 4:00 p.m. and with a temperature of 36 degrees, which left areas of AMBA and several provinces without light. Literally half the country. From the government, they did not rule out that it was intentional and promised a quick solution and a subsequent investigation to determine the details and reasons for the massive cut.
Very quickly, official sources described the event as a “serious electrical contingency” and warned that the 500 kV line linking Campana-Rodríguez was out of service. Immediately, and in accordance with safety protocols, important generating stations, such as Central Puerto and the Atucha I and Embalse nuclear power stations, were disconnected from service.

After the massive blackout, what will happen to the Super Cup between Boca Juniors and Patronato
The lack of light has raised alarms for the duel the two teams have to play in Santiago del Estero when much of the country is without supplies
To understand the extent of the failure, a number is worth a number: of the 26,000 MVs generated at the time of the incident, some 14,000 MVs were taken out of service.

“8 kilometers from General Rodríguez, there was a fire in a high voltage line, in a large tower. This generates that, for protection, the networks are switched off and stop transmitting energy. In this case, two things happen: at one end of the line, it is the demand, the users who lose electricity. On the other side, there are the generators, which are left without the possibility of injecting electricity,” he said. Santiago Yanottiunder-secretary for electrical energy.
“On a day like today, when due to high temperatures there was a very high demand for 25,000 MW, 9,000 MW was lost due to this fire. 37% of the energy demand has been left without service,” the official said.
According to authorities, this is the blackout that has occurred across the country:
– At 3:59 p.m., the 500 kV Campana-Rodríguez line is disconnected. A variation in demand in the GBA of about 900 MW is observed. Simultaneously, he unhooked Atucha I.
– At 4:08 p.m. another line ceased to operate, the 500 kV Campana–Rodríguez line.
– At 4:11 p.m. the 500 kV Belgrano-Rodriguez line is disconnected. Approximately 3,000 MW variation in demand between GBA (2,600 MW) and PBA (400 MW).

– At 4:32 p.m., the 500 kV Atucha II–Rodríguez line was disconnected.
– At 4:33 p.m., the 500 kV Gran Mendoza–Río Diamante line was disconnected. The causes are under investigation. The Cuyo region collapsed. The Argentine interconnection system (SADI) is divided into two subsystems: North (NOA-CEN-NEA-LIT-PBA Central-North) and South (GBA-PBA South-COM-PAT). Reduction of demand in the regions of GBA, Patagonia, Comahue and Province of Buenos Aires.
– At 4:40 p.m., the 500 kV Rosario Oeste–Arroyo Cabral line was disconnected. The causes are under investigation. Collapse of the central and southern NOA zone occurs. The Embalse nuclear power plant has been disconnected.
– At 4:40 p.m., the 500 kV Río Santa Cruz–Esperanza line was disconnected. The outage occurred in the province of Santa Cruz.
– At 5:02 p.m., the 500 kV Belgrano-Rodríguez line is put into service, connecting the North and South subsystems of SADI.
– At 5:18 p.m., the 500 kV Rosario Oeste–Arroyo Cabral line is put into service. The Center zone begins to be connected to the rest of the SADI.
After 6:30 p.m., from Cammesa, they assured that the Atucha-Rodriguez line had entered into service and that two of the three links concerned had been recovered. “GBA is recovering strongly (sections of Ezeiza had been unhooked). We recently requested the replacement of some 400 MW. Partial Cordoba recovered and we go up to energizing NOA, ”they assured.
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