The Governor of Buenos Aires Axel Kicillof he had to postpone the act he had prepared to the Legislative Assembly for the opening of ordinary sessions, still without a definite date. As indicated, the reason is due to the massive blackout that affects a large part of the Argentine territory. Previously the President Alberto Fernandez He gave a speech in Congress criticizing the judiciary.
“Given the urgency generated by the widespread power cut, it has been decided to postpone the opening of the legislative sessions which were to take place on the day of the date. The provincial cabinet meets at the governor’s office to monitor the conditions in the province and deal with situations that may arise due to the inconveniences. Each of the ministers of the relevant areas, as well as the mayors of each district of the province, will focus on taking care of the eventuality,” they said. explained in a press release.
as anticipated GlobeLiveMediaKicillof had prepared a management review, which included nearly two years of the pandemic. Kicillof’s objective was to show what his government considers to be acquired and which bases the imposition of the managerial brand on the text: “Right to the future”. Since the, without being explicit in electoral jargonGovernor hopes to express his enthusiasm for “continuing to transform the province”, as part of its 6×6 management plan.
With information provided by the Headquarters of the Governor’s Advisors, the area controlled by the former chief of staff and close collaborator of Kicillof, carlos whitethe president of Buenos Aires finished this Tuesday defining the text with his Minister of Communication, Jessica Rey. Imposing the slogan “Right to the Future” is one of the objectives.
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He also intends to count some results during these three years of mandate. As this media has learned, the governor is expected to highlight the construction of 130 new school buildings, the growth of intensive care beds in public health centers. “We tripled”, he will say. In terms of security, the acquisition of 4,500 new patrol cars will stand out.

This afternoon, in the midst of a new heat wave, a massive power cut was generated which affected AMBA and several provinces of the country. “The center of the country is extinct”They recognized in the government.
“There was a serious electrical contingency, as Transener reported, a 500 kV Campana-Rodríguez line went out due to a fire. Simultaneously, Atucha I was disconnected (the causes are under investigation) and other power plants, such as Central Puerto”, pointed out official sources who explained that these plants are working, but have been left disconnected from the system in as part of a control mechanism.
Regarding the electrical grid fire that caused the massive power outage, Santiago Yanotti, Undersecretary for Electrical Energy, said, “It could be intentional or not, I don’t know.” “This line crosses the whole country, from Yacyretá to Patagonia. We recently had an attack in the south of the country. It could be that the fire happened due to high temperatures or someone recklessly burned pasture,” he said.
This outage was caused in the central region: Santa Fe, Córdoba, Cuyo, South NOA. “The system was split in two,” they admitted to the government. The northeast area (NEA, Buenos Aires, Entre Ríos and north of Santa Fe) is regulated from Yaciretá, and the same part of the south area with the Comahue dam, which covers Patagonia, La Pampa, Neuquén and Río Negro .
The graphs of Cammesa, the company Compañía Administradora del Mercado Mayorista Eléctrico, are eloquent and show, in red, the sharp drop in demand, which means that thousands of homes and businesses have been left without electricity.
“We clarify that the massive interruption of the power supply that occurred this afternoon was not caused by the Atucha I nuclear power plant, but by failures in the interconnected system. Due to this inconvenience external, Atucha I has been decommissioned and is in safe shutdown, ”they assured on Twitter of Nucleoeléctrica, the state company that controls the country’s three nuclear power plants (both Atucha and Embalse).
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