Madrid, 16 Feb. The major Spanish energy companies announced this Thursday a legal action like the one presented by the bank against the extraordinary tax with which the government plans to raise some 5 billion euros in two years to finance social measures against the rise in rates and inflation.

The Association of Electrical Energy Companies in Spain communicated in a press release its decision to file a contentious-administrative appeal before the National Court against the extraordinary and temporary tax.

This group, which brings together companies such as Iberdrola, Endesa and EDP, has described this 1.2% tax on income as “discriminatory and unjustified” with which the executive, a left-wing coalition, hopes to raise some 2,000 million euros between 2023 and 2024.

The association regretted that the formula applied by Spain is on income and not on benefits as in other European countries.

The decision of the electricity companies is known the day after the announcement by the Spanish banking bosses of their appeal against their respective extraordinary tax, in this case of 4.8% and with which the executive intends to raise some 3 billion euros. euros.

The tax was approved last December by the Spanish Parliament to allocate the proceeds to a series of government measures aimed at mitigating the economic and social effects of the war in Ukraine. EFE


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