Mexico is a seismic country, so it is important to remain attentive to telluric movements. (Infobase)

A magnitude 4.1 earthquake was recorded in the vicinity of Pijijiapan at 4:42 a.m. local time (10:42 UTC) today, the National Seismological Service (SSN) reported.

Preliminary information indicates that the epicenter of the quake was 40 km northeast of the city in the state of Chiapas and was 161.3 km deep.

In the event of significant seismic activity, the The National Center for Disaster Reduction (Cenapred) recommends not to fall into the trap of rumors or fake news and to get information only from official sourcessuch as civil protection authorities, both local and state, as well as federal.

after an earthquake, look for your house possible damage, only use your mobile phone in an emergency, do not light matches or candles until you make sure there are no gas leaks and remember that there may be aftershocks of the earthquakeit is therefore important to be vigilant.

You can also take the following actions before an earthquake: prepares a civil protection plan, organizes evacuation drills, identifies safety zones home, school or workplace and set up a emergency backpack.

during a tremor keep calm and stay in a safe zone, stay away from falling objects; if you are driving, park and move away from buildings, trees and poles; and if you find yourself on the coast, move away from the beach and take refuge in height.

(Jovani Perez/GlobeLiveMedia)
(Jovani Perez/GlobeLiveMedia)

Mexico is located in an area of ​​high geological activity, which exposes you to the constant risk of suffering this type of event. Proof of the above, the earthquakes of 1985 and 2017, which caused great damage, were however not the most important in the history of the country, although they are one of the most present in the memory of nationals and foreigners.

During the colonial period, it happened the strongest earthquake recorded in the history of what is now Mexico. arrived on On March 28, 1787, its epicenter was in Oaxaca, it had a magnitude of 8.6. The movement was so violent that it not only shook the earth, but also caused a tsunami that reached 6 kilometers inland.

Experts from the Seismic Instrumentation and Recording Center (Cires) estimate that it will be possible to repeat similar situations in the near future. These conclusions stem from a study dating from 2009 which sought to analyze the cited event. It was said then that there could be earthquakes of a similar magnitude on the coasts of Mexico and Central America. Indeed, said area has great potential for events of a geological nature, given its location in the so-called Guerrero Gap.

Earthquakes like today bring back memories of Mexicans Worst memories of the 1985 and 2017 earthquakeswhen all of Mexico and other states were paralyzed by the shocking consequences each left behind.

On September 19, 1985, an earthquake magnitude 8.2, with epicenter in the state of Guerrero. It was 07:19 local time (13:19 UTC). At that time, it was thought that there would be no more earthquakes of this magnitude, but a similar event occurred exactly 32 years later.

The 2017 outbreak was recorded at 1:14 p.m. local time (6:30 p.m. UTC) with its epicenter at the borders of the states of Puebla and Morelos and left a death toll of 369 in the center of the country.

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