“Some tell me ‘He doesn’t want to be, if he’s going to spend a month in Qatar and then he’s going to spend another month in Cumelén‘. It’s the way to build politics for him, who is a celebrity. A celebrity makes celebrity politics. He is where he should be and a bullet does not penetrate him. By fame”.
There were days left before the end of last November and the journalist Jorge Asis prophesied in a report published in GlobeLiveMedia which would be, three months and a World Cup later, Mauricio Macri: a celebrity flirting with a candidacy, for the moment, uncertain. It’s sort of the other side of the Cristina Kirchnerwho for other reasons does not resign himself to accomplishing the thankless and boring task of being ex.
After days of sailing from Cumelén, to Villa La Angostura; the offices on Avenida Libertador, in Vicente López; And in the federal capital, the troubled waters of the inmate Juntos por el Cambio, the former president shook the campaign with a photo that had a strong impact on the opposition and also on the sectors of the most enraged Kirchnerism.
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The image of Macri smiling with the world champion captain, the idol Lionel Messihis wife Antonela Roccuzzothere Emilian “Back” Martinez and his wife Mandinha MartinezMinutes after both of them won The Best award, it has multiplied on television, social networks and news portals and encouraged those who promote it as a candidate.
“Congratulations to Leo, Antonela, Dibu and Mandinha for this very special evening. Thanks to Scaloni and thanks to the whole team. How proud these guys have made us to be Argentinians!” Macri posted on his social media and garnered over 160,000 likes and greetings from various celebrities, including Susana Gimenez.
The image generated a strong repercussion within the PRO, which interpreted its diffusion in an electoral key. Macri came to pose with María Eugenia Vidal in front of a poster of “Vidal Presidente”, to post a cold message in favor of a healthy competition for Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and to meet, without photo, Patricia Bullrich. “In Europe, Mauricio is campaigning,” admits a party source with strict reserve.
To the photo of Paris, where the award ceremony organized by FIFA was held, was added last night another, less massive, but of capital importance in international politics: “There is something time, we ate in Bologna with Romano Prodi, one of the builders of modern Europe and a person I greatly admire. A true statesman, democrat and innovator, as well as a charming guy”, spread the former president on his Instagram account.
Prodi is one of the most respected and appreciated men in Italian politics, and enjoys strong prestige in the institutions of the Old Continent. During the five years he held the presidency of the European Commission, he is recognized for the establishment of the euro as the single currency and the enlargement and political and legal consolidation of the Union.
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In this city in northern Italy, Macri will today give a lecture on leadership at the Business School (BBS) of the University of Bologna, the oldest on the continent. At 2:00 p.m. (Argentinian time) in Villa Guastavillani, the former president will talk about his experience in the various positions he has held, both in the private sphere of the companies of the Socma group, and in the sports sphere as president of Boca. Juniors and, later, as head of government of the city of Buenos Aires and president of the Nation.
On the official website of the University’s Business School, the following message was put forward in the call for the chair: “Being a leader means facing change, developing a vision for the future that does not neglect the strategic aspect to achieve this. Leadership involves a strong disposition to motivation and inspiration. These are fundamental characteristics for a leader who wants to push people to offer their contribution in a collaborative and shared perspective. Leadership is a continuous process in which involvement and listening to others play a fundamental role”.
Se trata de mucho de lo que Macri transmitió en su último libro “Para qué”, en el que no sólo transmitió sus experiencias, sino que también plantó los defios y su mirada sobre lo que tiene que ser y hacer el próximo gobierno de Juntos por change.
This role, which mixes the functions of mentor, arbitrator and elector in unequal parts, is what generates the most tension within Ensemble pour lechange, where Rodríguez Larreta, Patricia Bullrich and Vidal (by the PRO), Gerardo Morales and Facundo Manes (by UCR) and Elisa Carrion (for the Civic Coalition) were listed as possible pre-candidates.
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It is that Macri, both with the striking photos and in the encounters that immerse him in the internship of a suburban mayor or in the definition of the candidate for the post of governor, ends up being a judge and gone. By stretching the uncertainty of being a candidate or not, the opposition coalition does not clear up the uncertainty factor of a convoluted equation without result.
That ambiguity will continue to be fueled by the final two seasons of his virtual European tour, before he returns, around March 20, to dive into the climactic stretch of intern.
He was invited to Ferrari, the legendary brand from Maranello, which was able to receive a visit from Carlos Menem in the 90s, on the occasion, coincidentally, of another World Cup -that of Italy- where the Diego Maradona’s national team performed an electrifying runner-up.
From there, former President Macri will travel to Zurich, where he will fulfill an agenda linked to his status as President of the FIFA Foundation, which implements various programs in the field of education, inclusion and social development.
According to the official website, the FIFA Foundation “aims to harness the positive power of football to improve lives; solve social problems affecting young people, empower women and girls to play football and develop their full power; repair damaged or destroyed sports infrastructure; supporting education through soccer; and using some of the most famous sports icons to reach millions of people around the world with positive messages to make the world more inclusive”.
After that, he will return to Argentina. Evoking Jorge Asís, “it is his way of constructing politics, which is a celebrity. A celebrity does celebrity politics and is where she belongs.”
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