Families in the north of the country who have been affected by heavy rains and floods and have been left homeless will be able to access the Housing lease obligation for emergencies (BAE)announced by the Ministry of Construction and Sanitation (MVCS).
This financial subsidy, which amounts to S/500, Its objective is to provide assistance as soon as possible to disaster victims whose houses have been declared uninhabitable or have collapsed. In this way, they will receive support to be able to rent a space with basic services.
The MVCS explained that the first stage is in charge of the local governments, who will be responsible for carrying out list of victims using the Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis (EDAN) form. This document must specify the number of houses in a situation of uninhabitability or destruction due to the rains, the damage observed and information from the families.
In this sense, the head of the Ministry of Housing, Hania Perez de Cuellar called on the authorities to ensure that their teams are deployed as soon as possible and can carry out a correct registration. “In the same way, I call on the population to go to their communes and request their registration,” he said.
To speed up this stage of the process, the ministry organized the brigade deployment to the regions of Lambayeque, Piura, Áncash, Lima Provincias, San Martín, among others, to train municipal staff in the development of these registers.
Once this information has been obtained, local governments must send this documentation to the MVCS, to then carry out the on-site verification. Then the ministry will make a call, by ministerial resolution, with full details of locations and regions included. In this step, Families will be able to apply for the economic bonus at the headquarters of their respective municipalities, indicating the data of the house they will rent.
The next step is forward the final list of BAE beneficiaries to the Mivivienda Fund, within a maximum period of 10 days. Finally, the beneficiary families will be able to receive monthly financial assistance from the offices of the National Bank for a period of two years.
In interview with RPP Newsthe Deputy Minister of Construction and Sanitation, Milko Ortega estimate that this process should be done in a few days. “It can’t take long because we are in an emergency moment,” he said.
– The Ministry of Housing has indicated that those eligible to access the BAE must appear in the register prepared by the local municipalities for the loss of their homes, considered to be collapsed or uninhabitable.
– The family applying for the BAE You don’t have to have another home in the emergency department.
– To benefit from this economic subsidy, the family affected by the collapse of the house in which they lived You must not have the status of tenant or custodian of the property.
– When submitting your application, you must submit information about the house that will be rentedwhich must be located in a safe place and have basic services.