Against the clock, the Casa Rosada prepares the meeting of the Frente de Todos table and seeks to guarantee strong attendance. Kirchnerism has already warned that he will go, that the envoys will not be Cristina or Maxim Kirchner and that in this meeting a central question must be raised: the politico-electoral proscription denounced by the vice-president after the condemnation for the Roads affair. This situation seems to condition any progress and, three days after the meeting, we are no longer certain of who will sit at the conclave announced by Alberto Fernandez which will be held this Thursday at the headquarters of the national PJ.
This conditioning framework also encompasses the figure of the Governor of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof. It’s that without agenda of debates or confirmed attendance, the provincial president – who governs the province with the greatest electoral weight and is heading towards a candidacy for re-election – is in doubt.
as much as he could tell GlobeLiveMediauntil Monday afternoon, no formal invitation had arrived in La Plata to participate in the meeting that the President called this Thursday at the headquarters of the National PJ located in Matheu 130. That is to say, hitherto Kicillof had not been invited. The situation can change over time.
You may be interested: Kirchnerism wants the Frente de Todos table to discuss how to break the electoral ban denounced by CFK
But the truth is that the governor of Buenos Aires assesses his presence. If there are no prior certainties about what will be discussed and who will be present, the inclusion of the president of Buenos Aires is unknown. Last week, when asked about the issue while on tour in Tandil, he slipped: “If they invite me, I will go.”

Beyond these remarks, Kicillof’s position is consistent with what he had put forward GlobeLiveMedia: Kirchnerism wants the Frente de Todos table to discuss How to break the electoral ban denounced by CFK. This is a position that was finally defined last week during a meeting between the main K personalities of the province of Buenos Aires that took place in the municipality of Ensenada.
There is also, and further back, the proposal that government policies be discussed at the table. An original claim that had been raised by the president of the PJ of Buenos Aires, Máximo Kirchner. Then, third, yes, also talk about what will be the best electoral strategy that the ruling party should have.
To the photo of the moment and to the situation of the governor of Buenos Aires, it must be added that In this month and a half that has already been 2023, Kicillof never participated in an act with Alberto Fernández. Since the end of December, Fernández has organized events in Florencia Varela, Avellaneda, twice in Ensenada, José C. Paz, Almirante Brown, Ezeiza and last week in Berazategui. The relationship between the head of state and the governor is simply tied to protocol.

As the President takes a few steps and signs towards the re-election attempt with different activities in the suburbs of Buenos Aires, accompanied by the mayors he trusts, the Governor took advantage of the month of January to visit different destinations on the coast of Buenos Aires Aires to, from there, show his own management and also insinuate with his provincial re-election.
The ace only public photos of the two They took place at a meeting to promote the Supreme Court trial with other governors and another in Chapadmalal the first week of January with mayors from the interior and suburbs of Buenos Aires. Both spent their days at the Tourist Unit. Last week, Fernández brought together almost all the Peronist mayors of the first and third electoral section. The governor did not participate in this summit.
This Monday, the President had planned another act in the suburbs. He was going to go to Ituzaingó to inaugurate the Municipal Veterinary Clinic of the Health Pole of this municipality. The activity was finally suspended due to bad weather. The head of state was to be accompanied by the mayor Barefoot Alberto there Kicillof’s presence was not expected. A little later, at 12:30 p.m., the provincial president led, together with the Minister of Health, Nicolas Kreplakthe launch of the Buenos Aires Electronic Prescription program, a tool designed to facilitate the management and acquisition of medicines in pharmacies in the province with the simple presentation of the DNI and the prescription prescribed by a professional via mobile phone or e-mail.
For this Thursday when the first meeting of the national table of the Frente de Todos is held, Kicillof has a management agenda in the town of Chivilcoy. It is nearly 165 kilometers and a little over two hours by car, the distance that separates the city of the Fourth Electoral Section from the headquarters of the Justicialista Party; body of which the governor of Buenos Aires is also one of the vice-presidents at the national level. The work is done against the clock so that the table is fully represented.
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