Johanna San Miguel annoyed by the authorities’ late reaction to the floods | It’s the war

Johanna San Miguel expressed outrage and annoyance at the late response of the authorities to come to the aid of those affected by the Cyclone Yaku. The presenter of ‘It’s the war’ He asked them to take the initiative and do what they had to do.

It all happened on Wednesday, March 15, when almost at the end of the reality competition, Renzo Schüller spoke up and sent a heartfelt message to people who have suffered various losses.

“Send a big hug to all the people who are going through difficult times. While it is true that the whole country is suffering from this deluge, if you can call it something else, many families are dramatically affected and we must try to support to the best of our abilities #, he pointed out at the start.

After that, he called on the authorities to get to work. “Now it is important for the authorities that they stand up and do something about it, not just for the photo, but really for the support. There are a lot of people who need help,” a- he concluded.

After the words of his driving partner, Johanna San Miguel referred to the competent authorities. He stressed that they would not help but would do their job, so he urged them to start immediately.

Johanna San Miguel expresses her annoyance at the authorities.  (US TV)
Johanna San Miguel expresses her annoyance at the authorities. (US TV)

“Rather up, do your job!” No one is reaching out to help you, you have to do your job. That’s why we pay them, we as citizens pay taxes and there, the people and the authorities live from that. Therefore, their work must be done, it is very simple, ”said the presenter quite indignantly.

Given this, Schuller stressed that it is time to get down to the feet of the other person, as a sign of those who are going through times of crisis. St. Miguel He pointed out that many authorities do not think of the population and only work for themselves.

“They don’t put themselves in people’s shoes. The only thing they think about is how to bring water for their own mill. They don’t think about doing what they have to do, doing their job, that’s what they get paid for, it’s as simple as that, ”concluded the leader of the warriors.

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