Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida tested positive for COVID-19 on Sunday after feeling mild symptoms, his office in Tokyo reported.
Kishida carried out a PCR test “after feeling a slight temperature and cough” since Saturday night, a person in charge of the office of the Japanese head of government told a source.
Kishida was scheduled to travel to Tunisia next week to participate in an international conference that has been held every five years since 1993 on development in Africa. According to Japanese media he could participate by teleconference.
Japan has registered a record of covid-19 cases in recent days, although the total number of deaths from the disease is much lower than in many other countries, with 36,780 deaths.
Kishida, 65, who took office in October, received his fourth dose of the vaccine this month. He was on vacation with his family and was scheduled to return to work on Monday.
Japan never imposed a strict lockdown and the sanitary measures, mainly aimed at the opening hours of bars and restaurants, were lifted in March.
The country’s borders have partially opened, although tourists can only travel to Japan as part of organized groups.