A Mapuche community in Mendoza

Continue to discuss the nationality of the native then proceeding to give them ancestral lands, in case they are considered Argentines, is a mistake with fatal consequences for the life of the country that aspires to live in political harmony and social balance. The Auditor General of the Nation accuses of treason Country land transfer agents Mendoza Extend the complaint to the rest of the country. The former senator interprets that the mapuche they are Chileans, therefore foreigners and article 75 paragraph 17 of the national constitution. We will see this topic later.

Let’s leave aside the debate about the violent southerners who rob, burn and attack, since it has already been proven and written that this is a group of criminals associated with the terrorism of the Chilean CAM and, in these terms, what they are looking for is not the land, but the revolution. The old Guevara dream of transforming Andes Cordillera in a new Sierra Maestra. Of course, if they have some land left along the way, the better. There is no naivety in these remarks, we know that his greatest aspiration is the creation of a new country: AraucaniaBut it is a chimera. They have the support of sectors of the Latin American and European left, in addition to kirchnerism only by Pietragalla, president of the Hennasits down to talk to them in a lunatic circle.

He European indigenism it is chic and worldly, typical of baptismal souls desirous of brandishing the torch of inflamed speech which ennobles life and soothes the anguish of the absolute. But that’s as far as my love! There is nothing left. There are Argentines who see shadows and moving shapes or imperial conspiracies, where there are mistongos, missing the crack.

The problem is not in these NGOs or in the progressive groups. The problem comes from international organizations like the ILO and from us. Self-generated. Our beautiful souls of yesterday, today and always. But when did the disgust begin?

The beginning of nonsense

ILO Resolution 107 of 1957 paves the way for the demands of indigenous communities in independent countries. Imperial nations have sought to wash their faces by interfering in the legal life of peripheral nations. You might or might not take the suggestion. There national sovereignty it was still a value in the country. He was ignored. But the years passed and, under the reign of Dr. Raul AlfonsinTHE Ley 23.302, the first kick of indigenous progressivism. The doctor Fernando de La Rua He presented his bill, which is at the origin of the indigenous conflicts which are unleashed in the south of the country. Basically because it places the aborigines as different from the Argentines, with the intention of repairing what has been done in the process of conquest and colonization and, at the same time, recognizing the indigenous peoples as communities and not as as Argentine citizens. The anti-Spanish conquest and the anti-roquista climate were evident. The INAI is created and article 2 of the said law stipulates: “Indigenous communities get along as groups of families recognized as such…” This is where the idea of ​​the self-perception.

In his presentation, De La Rúa said that “this law preserves a cultural model that we must take care of, the existence of the indigenous community”. In these debates of 1984, Peronism could not support the policy that Perón had adopted with regard to the problem of the Indian, which, in my opinion and understanding, had the same orientation as that of the generation of 1980s, that is to say to build Argentina as a melting pot of races and not as a mosaic. He peronism restorer erased what was acted by personwhich in the Constitution of 1949 did not consider the indigenous question, contrary to the Constitution of 1853.

You may be interested: Mendoza: protest by agricultural producers and neighbors against the transfer of land to the Mapuches

What was in Perón’s government was the Directorate for the Protection of Aborigines dependent on the National Directorate of Migration, which reveals the treatment given to the question. In 1953 the Ley 14.254 for which colonies, farms for the adaptation and education of the aboriginal population have been created. In the establishments, primary education and practical courses in agrarian education were provided.

progressive globalization

The ILO (International Labor Organization) in 1989 returns to the same thing as in 1957 and multiplies the demands. Resolution 169 which Argentina ratified by the Law 24.071 of 1992 has a decisive indigenous bias. The country should not have signed this resolution because in Argentina, the natives or their descendants enjoy the same rights as the rest of the population. Social justice did not have an ethnic allure. Resolution that today complicates any work that contributes to the economic growth of the country and disrupts the lives of self-proclaimed indigenous peoples, such as Vaca Muerta or the gas pipeline to be built. Because the sixth article of the aforementioned resolution obliges to agree, with the self-proclaimed autochthonous, elective or administrative resolutions of the national or provincial State. Thus creating prerogatives of blood that Article 16 of the National Constitution expressly prohibits.

Argentina, like a lapdog, has walked alongside international organizations that, raising the rights of minorities, ignore the constituent essences of a Nation. The 1994 Constitution followed the same direction.

The 1994 Constitution

In its article 75, paragraph 17, it says: “Recognize the ethnic and cultural preexistence of the Argentine indigenous peoples and the possession and ownership of the lands they traditionally occupy, and regulate the delivery of others, in community ownership.”

Here we encounter several problems. First the community property. Social property? Nonsense. Not to be confused with cooperativism. Secondly and what today generates serious problems: the Argentine indigenous peoples. Historians, politicians and journalists have wondered if it was up to the Araucanians to receive our lands, since they are Chileans. Let’s see; The first waves of Araucanians crossed the mountain range in the mid-17th century and throughout the 18th century and continued thereafter. Did Argentina exist?

The Mapuches block the construction of a road in Villa la Angostura
The Mapuches claim lands where their ancestors were present

In order not to enter into a historiographical debate on the question that historians like Francisco Ramos Mejia oh Jose Nicolas MatienzoI recommend the reader to seek the statements of the Argentine Political Club or the historian Luis Alberto Romeroamong other criticisms of the current government, about the fact that we could only talk about Argentina after the creation of the viceroyaltyalthough with tweezers.

In the opinion of those cited, we are Argentina when we organized ourselves constitutionally, that is to say from 1853. These declarations were made within the framework of the Argentine law on Falklands. the deputy Ajmechet of let’s change He supports the same thesis, they are not Argentinian because when the English occupied them, we were not constituted as a country.

So what applies to the Falklands as to whether or not they are Argentineans applies to the Araucanians: are they from Chile? Did this country exist? Did they arrive in Argentina? Did we exist as such? While these issues are being discussed academically, we cannot continue to cede land to anyone. Nor discuss the nationality of the puelches, pehuenches, huiliches and the sea by car.

Laws 23,302 and 24,071 must be repealed. Disregard Resolution 169 because Resolution 157 was ignored at the time Repeal Law 26,610 which stops evictions from usurped land. When this climate takes root in the country, it will be time for the Court, relying on Article 116 of the Constitution, to note the conflict between Article 75, paragraph 17, and Article 16.

Continue reading:

A Mapuche community in southern Chile has threatened to ‘raise’ if they don’t return machines seized by police

Mapuche self-perception: collective memory as a pretext to falsify history

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