India continues to face the resurgence of the pandemic that for weeks has been breaking records of cases almost daily, and this Friday the authorities have reported more than 217,000 infections, a figure that becomes the highest registered in a single day since it broke out. the pandemic. The Indian Ministry of Health has confirmed that 217,353 positives for COVID-19 have been detected in the last 24 hours, while the total number of people who have contracted the disease to date is 14,291,917.
Not only has the infection rate increased, leaving more positive every day, but the number of deaths from the virus has also increased in recent weeks, leaving 1,185 dead in the last day. It has also experienced a rise in the number of active cases, which currently represents 10.46 percent of total infections, with 1,471,877 cases that are active.
Despite the increase in cases, which have once again placed India as the second country most affected by the health crisis, the Asian nation has already administered more than 117 million doses of the immunizer against the coronavirus. The authorities have been striving to install new restrictions to try to reduce transmissibility, and in cities such as New Delhi – the most affected in the country – a curfew will begin starting this Friday from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m., as well as other measures, reports ‘Hindustan Times’. During the weekend, shopping centers, auditoriums, restaurants and gyms will be closed, while cinemas will be able to show movies with 30 percent of their seating capacity during the week.