India has added 168,912 cases of coronavirus on Monday in the last day, which represents a new daily record of positives and with which the increase in the incidence of the pandemic in the country is confirmed, which once again becomes the second country hardest hit by COVID-19.
According to the latest balance of the Indian Ministry of Health, there are 13,527,717 confirmed positives since the pandemic broke out, while deaths amount to 170,179. In the last day, 904 deaths have been specifically mourned.
The last time the country had registered more than 900 deaths from COVID-19 was in October. Meanwhile, 12,156,529 patients have managed to overcome the disease, which currently leaves 1,201,009 active positives, 92,922 more than in the last balance.
Thank you for watching The new wave in which the country is submerged reflects an increase in the transmissibility of the virus and has reduced the recovery rate, which stood at 97 percent and is now 90 percent, reports the local media ‘Hindustan Times’. Up to 16 Indian states show an upward trend in the number of daily cases.
Faced with the severity of the pandemic, the country advances in its vaccination plan with 2,933,418 doses applied in the last day for a total of 104,528,565 administered units.