The president of the PRO and pre-candidate for the Presidency of the Nation, Patricia Bullrichtoday promised a shock plan should they win the next election and without giving any indication of how he will implement the measure, he said that ‘by removing all holdbacks from ‘by 2030, the field will increase by 38%’.
The leader gave a press conference during her visit to an agricultural exhibition that runs until tomorrow in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of San Nicolás, and was accompanied by members of her agricultural team, Pablo Torello, Guillermo Bernaudo there Julien Chascoand also by Javier Iguacelcandidate for governor of Buenos Aires, and Manuel Pasagliamayor of San Nicolas.
Asked by this media what the measures will be for the campaign, given the complex moment it is going through due to the effects of the drought and which complicates the future government from an economic point of view, Bullrich argued that “we will move forward resolutely, doing things that were often not done, with a change that people see from day one. We have to make decisions about spending, we can’t continue to have the current tax system, we have to come to terms with a lot of things in the world of work, for example with labor disputes and the world of remuneration, we have to work on the fiscal balance, then get out of this balance, because that is what will allow us to lower taxes.

In this sense, the PRO leader projected that “removal of all deductionsBy the year 2030, the domain will increase by 38%. If we leave withholdings and phase them out, the field will increase by 6%. What we need to solve here is the substitution rate. The closer we get that substitution rate to the present, the more taxes we can collect, and that’s a political decision, because it means reducing bureaucracy and helping people.”
Moreover, he promised to apply”a shock policysince we need from day one show society what we’re going to do. We must already have the plan ready in advance. We are going to come to the government with a plan that is coherent in all areas and that shows society the changes that need to be made to get out of inflation, stop issuing, stop spending what is spent, stop having bureaucracy That we have “.
“We will arrive at the Government with a coherent plan between all areas” (Bullrich)
“This is an example of our deep commitment to leading the changes the field needs. We have known for many years that the campaign is the source of funding for a state that is growing bigger and providing fewer and fewer services to society,” Bullrich told the media, adding: “In 2003, the The state accounted for 23% of gross product, and at the end of 2015 it was 44%. We can say that these 20 points are the wealth of Argentines from the countryside and from many other sectors, who went to feed the State and not private activity.
During the meeting with the press, the former Minister of Security said that within Together for Change, the platform for the next elections is being finalized, which will be the line of work to which all its members will join, but she clarified that “Then each candidate will deepen the agreed package, with a focus on accelerating taxation. There is the courage to make the changes immediately and not be so conservative. We will have three priorities: education, security and a stabilization plan so that Argentina no longer has inflation, has credit and can move forward. I will personally deal with these three questions.
On the other hand, at all times, the speech of the Leader of the Opposition was to send a message to the producers of coincidence with the claims they are carrying out at this time. And in this regard, he argued: “Our decision is that it is not an empty slogan to say that the campaign is the engine of Argentina, because if we have turned it off, it is not the engine of Nothing. For this, it is absolutely fundamental, strategic, that we deeply understand that the countryside has a productive capacity today exceeded by neighboring countries as a result of the closure of machinery imports, as a result of the closure of exports and the product of a dollar that they open a window with the soybean dollar, and the product of very high taxes and rates”.
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