The SFC has asked to verify the information provided by these companies that offer credit assignment services. Courtesy: GlobeLiveMedia

The Financial Superintendence of Colombia (SFC) has warned all citizens in general that the following companies are not subject to its inspection and supervision, and in turn have no approval from this control body:

  • Neo Fintech.
  • Vida Luja (is a brand that provides internet credit services to everyone in Colombia).

On this basis, the Financial Superintendency reminded everyone that the general list of entities supervised by the SFC is available in the section of supervised industries, which can be consulted on the web portal:, or through the link following: www

The SFC has emphasized avoiding falling into the trap and considering the following recommendations:

  • Check with the national entity check beforehand whether they are indeed entities supervised by this Superintendence.
  • under any circumstances hand over money as a precondition for the disbursement of a loan and, less, if it is made in favor of natural persons.
  • Suspicious loan offers in which they undertake to give you money without meeting major requirements, with very low interest rates and for amounts that can greatly exceed the value of the credit you are requesting.

The Financial Superintendency explained that the irregular activity carried out by several of these companies falls under the so-called false lenders, since they demand money as a precondition for the disbursement of the alleged credits.

“Arguing different concepts or even using altered documents with false information,” the Financial Superintendence said.

The SFC explained that in the case of Vida Luja, through an instant messaging chat, they illegally used the Superintendency logo. Likewise, this company demands money in exchange for process of delivery of so-called credits.

In the case of Neo Fintech, through the portal, the SCF pointed out that this company promotes an alleged collective investment fund called NEO, announcing in addition to being a company monitored by the Financial Superintendence of Colombia, without it corresponding to reality.

On the other hand, the abusive and unauthorized use of the name of the Financial Superintendence of Colombia by these companies has been reported thanks to the inspection control activities of the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation.

The SFC has asked to verify the information provided by these companies that offer credit transfer services. Citizens can contact the Financial Superintendency of Colombia through the following service channels:

The Superintendence has also appealed to the public to avoid accessing links received by SMS, emails or social networks in which the recipient is asked to provide personal and financial information.

“It is important that when you make transactions on the web, you do not enter your personal data if you are not sure that it is a reliable page. Avoid sharing your information with other people added the SFC.

It should be remembered that financial institutions never ask for passwords or confidential data via text message to your mobile phone or telephone. For this reason, the SFC asked to “do not reply to these messages or send emails with personal information, card numbers, IDs or passwords”.

Finally, anyone who has information about this type of illegal activity can notify this Superintendency via email [email protected] or the following competent authorities:

  • Office of the Attorney General of the Nation through its section offices.
  • National Police CAI Virtual – Police Cyber ​​Center – DIJIN and Interpol ( or email [email protected]) User Service Office – Dijin (Avenida El Dorado N0 75–25 at Bogotá DC)
  • Superintendency of Enterprises.
  • Superintendency of Solidarity Economy.
  • local mayors

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