Overflows, floods and presence of landslides inside the country have caused an increase in food prices in the main supply centers, a variation recorded since the days preceding the presence of these phenomena that occur with the Cyclone Yaku.
During a visit to the markets From the center of Lima, Lince and Jesús María, Latina Televisión conducted a survey of traders to find out the situation of these places in the midst of the mudslides that blocked the access roads.
It is one of the most used inputs for the preparation of Peruvian meals, as well as in drinks. Likewise, it is a key ingredient for the development of the star dish, the ceviche.
the kilogram of lemonwhich could reach 3 soles before, currently fluctuates between 8 and 12 soles.
The ace Alverjas from the center of the country costs 14 soles per kilo, compared to an average cost of 6 to 7 soles before the onset of mudslides and heavy rains in the country. In the case of carrotthe kilo is worth 6 soles, which previously cost 3.50
“The wholesale market is at 81%, that is to say that there is no risk of a shortage tomorrow or the day after tomorrow”said one of the spokespersons of the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Irrigation (MIDAGRI) to Latina cameras in front of the increase in the prices of certain foods in the capital.
Likewise, the institution reported that income from food is 10% lower than last week. This scenario will be regularized as the country’s roads are cleared.
Through official government platforms, from San Martín, Minister Nelly Paredes inspected crop areas and irrigation infrastructure affected by the rains. He pointed out that thanks to the economic recovery plan “Avec Punche Pérou”, 330 million S/ have been activated for the maintenance and repair of water systems.