Users must keep their router data up to date to safely browse the Internet

Networks Wireless are one of the most common ways for cybercriminals to infiltrate on any device and steal user information, and while these may include passwords and other methods of securitythere are some bad practices by users that allow users to cybercriminals problem-free access.

Bad practices not only imply that the user has not established safe key or exclusivity for the signal Wirelessbut also, they are linked to the ignorance of the consequences that generate data to third parties.

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The first step to having a secure Wi-Fi network is to establish a password for the internet signal emitted by the router. A keyless network can be operated by cybercriminals use it as a doorway to connecting others devices such as computers, laptops, cell phones, televisions or audio equipment.

Router passwords must meet a number of conditions to ensure their effectiveness, such as the use of special characters in addition to uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and numbers.
Router passwords must meet a number of conditions to ensure their effectiveness, such as the use of special characters in addition to uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and numbers.

In general, it is not necessary to have a password to access the red be extremely long, but there must be some level of security.

Keys like “password“oh”qwerty” are too common and easy to guess to even consider them as options within the scope of the possible Passwords. Therefore, it is suggested to include a word or phrase with a number of characters greater than 12, in addition to having uppercase, lowercase, numbers and special characters.

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Like a cellphone the old one stops having security updates or patches after some time of use, the router that provides the signal the Internet, they also have a similar shelf life.

It should always be clear in the tech world that if an old device continues to work, that doesn’t mean it’s doing it properly or safely.

If a router is not updated, users will be more vulnerable to possible cyberattacks
If a router is not updated, users will be more vulnerable to possible cyberattacks

In the case of router, older models no longer receive support updates, resulting in less security. Over time, even when the password signal Wireless remains up-to-date and the service continues to run, the security it works with decreases significantly and it will no longer protect the network against new threats.

Therefore, users should keep themselves informed of when companies Manufacturers of these devices stop releasing updates and change them as needed.

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In the case of access keys for local connections to the Internet, they programmed default passwords consisting of a combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers. However, even when they do not form concrete words or sentences, they are not really sure.

Usually the companies that make these devices have a password generation system that isn’t really random, so there’s no guarantee that they can’t be breached by cybercriminals. It is preferable to modify this password for a personalized password taking into account the additional security criteria previously indicated.

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