Music sharing is possible through apps and playlists.

One of the most used details in Valentine’s Day is the music. A song or several that successfully portray the feelings towards the couple can be the best way to set a moment or move on to that special date.

Streaming platforms offer tools that allow users to create playlists in a simple way and send them to their loved one to have a detail on some songs that have marked the relationship and perhaps others that will be part of history. .

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The application of Google It does not require any subscription to enjoy this feature, so it is free for all users. The first thing is to locate the icon of the three horizontal lines, then go to the section Library to start the process:

1. Click on the ‘New Playlist’ button, which will be blue.

2. A panel will open with a list of suggested videos. You can add the ones you want, but the “Next” button is also enabled if none of the ones there work for this case.

3. A window will appear to name the playlist and highlight privacy. In this case, you can choose to leave it public or only people who get the link can see it, which is a better option to share only with the couple.

4. The list will be created.

To add songs to the playlist, you must search for each song and locate the ‘Save’ icon, in the buttons under each video, to then assign this content to the previously created list.

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Music sharing is possible through apps and playlists.
Music sharing is possible through apps and playlists.

For the music app The process is done in two ways, neither of which requires a subscription to a premium plan. Here’s how each works:

1. Play a song you want to have in a playlist.

2. Locate and click the button with the three horizontal dots.

3. Tap on the “Add to Playlist” option.

3. Click on the ‘New playlist’ button.

4. Assign a name then click on create.

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The second option is:

1. In the panel below, navigate to the “Library” option.

2. Go to the upper right corner, a ‘+’ sign appears. Press there.

3. In the panel that appears, choose the Playlist option.

4. Assign a name to the list then click on create.

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Music sharing is possible through apps and playlists.
Music sharing is possible through apps and playlists.

The users of this application can create the playlist without having to pay any subscription, they do so by following these steps.

1. Open Deezer.

2. Go to Favorites.

3. Select the Playlist option.

4. Click the button to create a new one.

5. The name is assigned and that’s it.

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This platform has a difference from others and that is that it allows you to add your favorite songs to the new list. So a time saving way to create the playlist for your partner would be to fetch the songs to add, add them to favorites, then when creating the list, everything will be added from the option ‘My favorite’.

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