In 2022, the electronics factories of Ushuaia there Big River they made 3,310,000 televisions. These factories, located in the province of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and the South Atlantic Islands, are grouped within the Association of Argentinean Factories of Electronic Terminals (AFARTE).
The teams that electronics industry produced there for consumption are, for the most part, international brands such as Phillips, Samsung, TCL, RCA, Hisense, hyundai there LG. To these are added those of national origin made up of the range of products from noblex, BGH there sanseiamong others.
Multinationals, in many cases, are responsible for setting up production lines, training staff, supervising production and carrying out quality control over the entire process, which ensures that equipment manufactured in Argentina comply with the standards “world classof these brands.
It all starts with the reception and quality control of inputs, both local and those coming from abroad. a component the most important thing in televisions is the circuit board which happens to factories devoid of materials, so the production process can be carried out in the industrial factory.
The automatic insertion line uses robotic machines that are responsible for placing the electronic components on the board with millimeter precision. Each of them, according to the pattern of TVit can have up to 1000 or 1500 components.
To continue, the circuit board enters the line and the solder paste printing is performed. The next step is the placement of the components in the shredder to then enter the oven where all these materials are welded. Finally, at this stage and to move on to the next station, an automatic optical check is carried out to ensure the quality of the plates.
In the manual insertion line there are operators who, to the plate resulting from the previous process, add other larger elements. Once this happens, the components are soldered on a wave soldering machine.
From this process, and as part of the industry’s sustainability program, up to 70 kg of this material per month can be recovered and reused. Finally, the functional tests of the finished plates are carried out.
After manual insertion, the final assembly still has 31 slots to go. There the LED panel is added to the product, the plate is screwed power and the main board that were covered earlier, to then wire and connect the panel, speakers and boards.
The line ends with the placement of the plastic back cover. To exit the assembly line and go to the essayDue to the weight it already has, a robot takes the finished product and positions it vertically.
The process of making a TV In Land of Fire, before being put on the market, includes a 100% quality test of the devices and the packaging of the finished product. Additionally, 2% of TV They are randomly selected in which a quality inspector performs a check pretending to be a customer, in a special environment.
AFARTE’s 2022 production data shows that 43% of the TV produced in Land of Fire had UHD/4K technology (3840x2160p), while Full HD represented 28% and HD 29%.
On the other hand, 26 different sizes of televisions have been marketed, but almost 90% of consumption is concentrated on five main sizes: 32″ (33% of the total), 43″ (23%), 50″ (23%), 55″ (12%) and 65″ (6%).
Thus, the electronics industry in Tierra del Fuego produces televisions under the format of industrial “terminal” in a way very similar to what happens in other parts of the world such as Brazil, Mexico, Vietnam, Slovakia and Poland, among others.