vanessa navarro She is a well-known Colombian presenter who has focused her content on social networks and television on promoting a healthy lifestyle with recipes and natural products; However, the famous recently surprised her Instagram followers by revealing that a few months ago she was diagnosed with skin cancer.

The famous spoke to her more than 380,000 followers on the social network, revealing that for days they had been asking her about a tape she had in her mouth in a video she posted on her profile. “I found it interesting to tell you that some time ago I had a wart, I went to the dermatologist and the dermatologist discovered, after doing a biopsy, that I had skin cancer .”
In her video explaining her process since being diagnosed, the celebrity said that “of course I was shocked” and added that she was particularly surprised because she does not often tan or expose herself to much sun, in addition to taking great care to receive the sun’s rays and, therefore, “it did not have much meaningful to me.”
Navarra pointed out that the skin cancer that it was detected on his mouth, in the part where he has a wound that he covered with the tape he had in his previous post, and also in the stomach. Clearly, the presenter pointed out that she was already following the appropriate treatment to deal with the situation, but she pointed out that she had decided to share it with her subscribers to warn them of certain details that could also affect her health.
“We are not aware of the habits and things we do that can end up affecting their health terribly, as was the case in my case,” said the presenter.
According vanessa navarro, what would have affected her was a procedure she underwent more than 20 years ago, when being heavily tanned was all the rage. “About 20 years ago, it seemed very cool to me to be golden, to be tanned, and that’s why I started going to tanning beds. It was exactly in 2000. In that year I could have gone 15 or 20 times”.
He added that this situation remained that year, because he then considered the future risks and decided not to return to tanning beds. “I forget that and never went to tanning booths again, I lose that desire to be golden. I’m very aware of sun damage and I start to take care of myself“, he pointed.

Even though she started her skincare, the damage she had already done with those tanning sessions showed up 20 years later. Navarra He said that since he stopped tanning “there hasn’t been a day that I haven’t put sunscreen on my face, my arms, my neck, my hands” because he feared sun damage. sun.
The presenter eased her followers’ concern by pointing out that “luckily I’m fine, they just removed that part of the skin”, while showing the wound on her mouth. He detailed this procedure that was healing and that soon the stitches would be removed.
However, vanessa navarro He wanted to leave a deeper reflection to the people who saw his publication. “At the end of the day, my recommendation is that you think twice before exposing yourself to tanning beds -especially my youngest followers because they have a life ahead of them and they think it’s not going to happen to them-, and they protect themselves with sunscreen all the time… Sometimes we think that the statistics don’t matter. only apply to others, that 3% or 10% or 20% probability almost never includes you (I’m speaking for myself) and then you realize that you’re likely to be part of that percentage,” said he concluded.