PORTLAND, Ore. โ€” In a devastating turn of events, a hiker met an untimely demise at Multnomah Falls, falling an estimated 150 feet due to an apparent loss of footing, as reported by the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office.

Deputy John Plock informed KOIN 6 News that the distress call regarding the fallen hiker was received shortly before 2 p.m. Unfortunately, the hiker’s companions were unable to locate him, prompting the prompt arrival of deputies who initiated a search.

In response to the report, both Corbett Fire and Multnomah County deputies swiftly coordinated their efforts. Regrettably, by the time emergency crews reached the scene, the hiker had already succumbed to their injuries.

Deputy Plock stated that it took approximately 45 minutes from the time of the distress call until the hiker’s lifeless body was discovered. “It appears he lost his footing and fell off the side of the trail,” Plock shared, shedding light on the unfortunate circumstances.

The trail was teeming with visitors on that fateful Saturday. Deputy Plock took the opportunity to remind individuals that this is not a leisurely stroll on a paved walkway but rather a hiking trail. He emphasized the importance of being adequately prepared for a hike, cautioning against underestimating the challenges it may present.

As of now, the identity of the fallen hiker has yet to be disclosed.

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