Financial adviser interviewed Javier Ferrer has restarted his activity on social media after the controversy sparked weeks ago by his advice which urged his followers to leave their conventional jobs. After his disputed recommendations went viral and the announcement that he was under investigation by AFIP, on February 24, Ferrer closed his accounts on the networks and called for silence.
In the last few hours, it reopened its accounts and made its content accessible again. Through a video on Tik Tok, he denied escaping public exposure.
“Everyone started talking, saying that I had left the networks, that I had escaped… No. I turned off the networks to preserve my family and you. Because? Because we are good. We radiate positive energy. We’re moving forward,” was his unusual message.
“Now I open the networks because I sat down to listen and know who was who to know how to continue,” he added.
Ferrer deleted all of his online content and disappeared when he began receiving critical comments that even linked him to scams and “Ponzi” schemes, as was the case with the inmate’s “Generation Zoe.” Leonard Cositorto.
Ferrer’s questions arose when his financial advice became known, always beginning with the derogatory greeting “Hello, normal”. For those who decided to trust his advice, there were two options: one-to-one Zoom chats worth $1,000 (he promised one-to-one contact via WhatsApp Business and also with d other professionals) or a face-to-face face meeting for 2,500 USD.
“It’s a total scam”assured a qualified official source GlobeLiveMedia after the closure of their accounts on social networks, which took place a few hours after GlobeLiveMedia told his story. After this decision, this media was able to learn that AFIP was investigating with a larger group of alleged influencers who act as “commercial advisers” on the networks.
By researching and cross-checking income, expenditure and information records of specialized areas of the organization that directs Carlos Castagnetoit emerges that taxpayers who operate as supposed business advisers through different social networks.
According to official sources, “they receive high sums of money for performances of their content as well as non-traditional advertisements without them being registered”.
According to official sources, there are four alleged financial advisers under investigation at the moment, with hundreds of thousands of followers on the networks and also with apparently unjustifiable increases in wealth.
“In the event that this is verified by the respective inspection process, they will determine the debts of millionaires to this body, with their corresponding fines and accessories and the resulting criminal complaint for violation of criminal tax law. This is why with the information collected, assets and income arise that do not correspond to the assets that are displayed in the content that some of these people upload to their Tik Tok and Instagram accounts,” the government explained to this media.
Regarding the specific case of Ferrer, in addition to the severe qualification, they explained that he is registered with the tax authorities as a category 1 self-employed worker and that he does not have a declared company that is dedicated to financial advice or the like.
“The data that caught the attention of the AFIP agents was the presence of some of these people registered in the organization under the Simplified Regime for Small Taxpayers (Monotribute) and/or in category 1 of the Independents (the most bass of said modality),” the authorities said.
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