President Gustavo Petro called an extraordinary meeting for the case of the airline Viva Air. Image: Mateo Riaños / GlobeLiveMedia

After the suspension of activities by live air y las afectaciones que esto generó a cientos de clients tanto en Colombia como en Latinoamérica, el presidente de la República, Gustavo Petro, decidió darle prioridad a esta problemática y citó a un a reunion extraordinaria para el miércoles 1 de marzo de 2023 a las nueve de The morning.

The Ministry of Transport, Civil Aeronautics and representatives of the low-cost company Viva Air will be present at this meeting. There, the transcendental issues that manage to resolve this case, which has been in the judicial process for more than a year for integration with Avianca.

This announcement was made by the Minister of Transport, Guillermo Reyes, at the end of the meeting he had with Civil Aeronautics in the afternoon of February 28.

“The government of President Gustavo Petro is taking steps to take care and save rights of our passengers. We have set up actions with other airlines so that they can return to their place of destination or go back to where they are going, ”reported the official.

In addition, he assured that in the midst of this economic and legal dispute, the only thing that is destined is to reach a happy end, in which all parties benefit, but the priority is to give them a real solution to the problem. affected users.

In addition, he said that with each of the competent entities, the most viable solutions are evaluated and thus the best decisions are made. There Superintendency of Industry and Commerce He will also be present at the working table established for March 1st.

The Transport Portfolio Manager has announced that more forceful action will be demanded of the Aerocivil so that the legal steps necessary for the attachment of these companies are carried out, or that a new procedure is opened so that the company can be liquidated or to be sold to another bidder.

Reyes stated that “failure to make them (Civil Aeronautical decisions) can generate most serious consequences, that does not give time. Tomorrow we hope to give the final decisions to the Colombians, and to the users of Viva, we ask for a little patience,” he said.

As for the thousands of users who bought their tickets from the airline and had to resort to alternative solutions, both the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC) and Colombian migrationThey announced measures to provide a temporary solution for people who have not yet arrived at their destination and who have lost their money.

Fernando Garcia Manosalvadirector of Migration Colombia, assured that the entity has given priority to the attention to guide the users concerned.

“I have given the instruction that the country’s immigration checkpoints and officials stand ready to provide all necessary support and guidance to The travellersuntil a solution to reschedule their flights is found.

For its part, the SCI informed affected users on how they can resolve their case regarding the return of their money or a possible lawsuit against the company, since the consumer rights they were hit.

The first step is to continue the Delegation for Jurisdictional Affairs with the SIC and ask for a solution to your case; the second, in the event of denunciation by the company, the person concerned must request precautionary measures from the SIC; this so that the money is returned in priority or is covered by accommodation, transport and food.

And finally, through National Consumer Protection Networkwhich will provide first-hand information to users who are still at one of the 19 airports with the highest concentration of people affected.

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