The invasion of thrips has been illustrated by several Internet users on social networks

The ace high temperatures and oppressive heat without rain that a large part of the country has been experiencing for several days, in particular the central region, has brought with it an invasion of tiny tiny insects called thrips.

Many thought they were bird mites or even pigeon lice, but in reality they are a scourge of thrips, tiny insects that measure a few millimeters and that for a few days They invaded several sectors of the AMBA.

The scientific name for these little animals is Caliothrips phaseoli and belong to the genus Thysanoptera. According to the description made by the National Pest Surveillance and Control System (Sinavimo), the insect has a reticulated back of the head and thorax, the front wings with two light areas that cross them like bands, and the legs are dark with the tip of the tibia light. The larval forms are light yellow in color.

Many people expressed the discomfort caused by the presence of these insects, because due to the heat wave, they began to flutter and climb everywhere, including They complained of itching.

Since the massive appearance of these bugs, the networks have exploded in comments and memes. “A few weeks ago there was an invasion of small insects, supposedly pigeon lice which they fill in pools and plants. The worst part is when you go out they stick to your skin and start to itch,” one user observed.

Came home very itchy, started to find blackheads on my walking arms and i read that there is an invasion of pigeon lice, now someone tell me how to get them out or kill me, otherwise i get itchy all over,” another user wrote.

These insects have also invaded the ponds
These insects have also invaded the ponds

In Radio Rivadavia, The veterinarian Adrian Petta He spoke about the consequences on the skin of the “black bugs” that appeared due to high temperatures.

“These parasites, which are normal inhabitants of birds, are mainly seen in pigeons. With these temperatures they start to jump from side to side, even humans; produce beehivesPetta clarified.

“The first thing to do is to consult a doctor to give the patient an antiparasitic, which can be a shampoo, soap, lotion, or dropper to reduce swelling“, advised the veterinarian.

And I add:Putting vinegar on the skin helps reduce itching since it is a heatsink. It won’t bring much relief but it will scare away the lice, nothing more.

In case the lice got into the clothes, he said “you must remove them immediately and wash them.” For that, “normal liquid soap is used, that it contains substances which the louse cannot resist and kills it”.

For more than a week, several people have found them on their skin as soon as they go outside, while according to the recordings on social networks, the first ones began to be seen in quantity on the San Martín train and even at the recital of Ricky Martin in Vélez, last Friday.

Adult thrips are dark gray almost black in color and measure just over 1 millimeter. length. Even in the city and suburbs, clothes that had just been washed and hung on the clothesline became a sort of chromatic attractor and became impregnated with hundreds of thrips.

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