
He this summer 2023 It seems to be reaching its peak and visits to all the beaches on the coast of Lima are no longer only on weekends, but also the rest of the week.

It happens that many people take advantage of a little free time on weekdays to calm down the heat and bathe some beaches that they have nearby

In this sense, alone or accompanied by their family or friends, the citizens of Metropolitan Lima they should know what they are the cleanest beaches know which one to visit whenever it provokes you. Choosing one that is not in good condition, could mean a disease that we do not want to treat.


According to one of the latest updates from the General Directorate of Environmental Health (Digesa), there are a total of 33 beaches located across Metropolitan Lima which are in good condition to continue to receive the public during the rest of the summer season.

Despite the fact that the aforementioned entity dependent on the Ministry of Health (MINSA) carried out before the official opening of the summer season, it is always good to remember the measures that the population must take into account before choosing their beach.

Therefore, citizens interested in updates to the Guest on the quality of the beaches, they only have to enter, they can enter the web veranosaludable.minsa.gob.peto find the complete list of beaches conducive to welcoming holidaymakers.

It should be remembered that for a beach to be considered in good condition, there must be three essential requirements: microbiological quality, cleaning quality and the installation of sanitation services.


If you, dear reader, regularly or sporadically go to one of the beaches of our capital, do not forget the list of the cleanest beaches in Lima. Your health will thank you:





The Yuyos


Freshwater North B

Agua Dulce Sur A



Saint Pierre





The Pampilla II



Redondo II

Redondo I



Pampilla I Beach



the nymphs

Saint Mary of the Sea

Sainte Marie


Saint Barthélemy

San Bartolo North A

San Bartolo North B

San Bartolo Sur A

San Bartolo Sur B

black Point

Punta Rocas

black Point

nice point

nice point

The silence

white beach


Villa Salvador

In the wind


Another way for bathers on a beach to know if they are in the right place is to recognize the color of the flag It must be displayed and visible to all.

If it comes from azure colorl, then it means that the beach that there is no problem for visitors to enter it without any problem.

Otherwise, if the flag comes from Red color. In this case, it is a question of leaving the premises and looking for another site that has the blue flag.

On the other hand, to the platform already mentioned above of “Healthy Summer”, in which you can see the appropriate beaches across Peru, there are also other ways to get more information if you want. If so, just write [email protected] or enter the portal www.digesa.minsa.gob.pe.

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