On Thursday, a cold wave hit the autonomous city of Buenos Aires (CABA) and four provinces, so temperatures have dropped to winter levels. However, the situation is far from improving for this Friday, the last day before the weekend of Carnival in which many take the opportunity to get away and say goodbye to summer.
According to information from National Meteorological Service (SMN)CABA recorded a minimum temperature of 14.9 degrees yesterday, while the Province of Buenos Aires The thermometer reached 13.8°C in Morón, 14.2°C in San Calor de Bolívar and 10.3°C in Azul and Tandil. The Atlantic Coast, Villa Gesell and Mar del Plata register 11.4°. Dolores and Olavarría, on the other hand, 11.2°.
These temperatures are similar to those that occurred in Calafate, province of Holy Cross. The cold was even more noticeable in the Rio Negro regions of Maquinchao and Viedma, where 9.3 and 10.8 degrees were recorded, respectively. However, the lowest temperatures were reported in Puerto Madryn, chubutwhere the thermometer touched 8.6 degrees.
For the region of Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA)the forecast will not be very different this Friday, since rain is expected in the afternoon with temperatures starting between 9°C and 11°C in the morning and then reaching 17° or 19°, depending on the region.
On Saturday February 18, temperatures will begin to rise slightly with highs around 21°C and 23°C, but no precipitation is expected. The thermometer will rise again on Sunday with minimums close to 18°C and maximums which will be around 28°C.
During the Carnival holidays, temperatures will rise above 30 degrees again, as a low of around 18°C and a high of 31° are forecast for Monday, while Tuesday will kick off with temperatures around 21°C and the mercury will peak at 31°. VS
Something similar will happen in the provinces most affected by the cold wave, since Puerto Madryn will have an average temperature of 14 ° C and 18 ° C, Esquel. On Saturday it will start to rise towards 23 and 25 degrees, respectively. On the Carnival weekend, the heat will also reach the province of Chubut with highs of 30°.
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Black River there Neuquen On February 20 and 21, they will experience maximum temperatures of 32°C and 35°C. In this sense, Santa Cruz will be the only province affected by the winter wave that will keep its temperature below 25 degrees. Ushuaiaon the other hand, will maintain levels which will be around 12 and 14 degrees.
The heat will be felt in other provinces like San Luiswhere in some regions they will reach 35° on Monday. Saint Jean expecting similar temperatures with 33 and 34 degree highs for the holidays which will be replicated in Mendoza.
Cordoba, Santa Fe, Between rivers there the pampas they expect an average temperature of 30° for the two days. La Rioja, Catamarca, Tucuman there Santiago del Esteroin contrast, will record highs of 32°C during Carnival.
The thermometer will approach 40 degrees in the area that includes the provinces of Tasks, currents, chaco there Formosawhere on Tuesday they could reach 39°C.
Salta there Jujuy They will maintain a pleasant weekend with temperatures around 20°C and 25°C from Sunday to Tuesday February 21.
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