The former director of Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), Emilio Lozoya Austindelivered a list of various personalities who received bribes to approve energy reform during the former president’s six-year term Enrique Pena Nietoamong the names is the former presidential candidate Ricardo Anaya; however, the agreement he wanted to make with the Attorney General of the Republic, as a result of this cooperation, did not take place.
Emilio Lozoya wanted to avoid going to trial for him Odebrecht case; however, the FGR rejected the reparations agreement which had been in the air for over a year. The defense attorney for former Pemex director Miguel Ontiveros announced that they would file an amparo appeal.
This agreement was to pay a amount of 200 million pesos for repairing the damage. Prior to rejection, the PRI member will stand trial and may receive up to 46½ years in prison and a 14-year suspension from holding any office.
The rejection of the reparations agreement for the Odebrecht case came during the interim hearing of Emilio Lozoya. Your hearing will resume next Monday March 13, 2023 at 2 o’clock in the afternoon.
Other names on the list provided by the former Pemex director are former National Action Party (PAN) senator Jorge Luis LaValle and Carlos Treviño Morales, who is another Pemex director.
Ricardo Anaya would have received more than 6 million pesos to vote for of the energy reform of the former President of the Republic Enrique Peña Nieto, which allowed the signing of contracts with the Brazilian company Odebrecht.
The corruption case arising from the signing of contracts between Pemex and Odebrecht would have caused damages of more than 4 billion pesos to the public treasury. Emilio Lozoya is charged with the offenses of criminal association, corruption and operations with resources of illegal origin.
Yesterday, the lawyer for the former director of Pemex told the press that the more than 200 million pesos demanded by the The Attorney General of the Republic accepts the agreement he had already been reunited by Lozoya Austin’s family.
“The state has already set an amount, I will just say it in broad strokes, over 200 million pesos. The Lozoya Austin family, with great effort, created the conditions to guarantee the payment of more than 200 million of pesos, thus filling the last requirement necessary for the opportunity criteria“, said the lawyer.
Since mid-2021, Ricardo Anaya, former federal deputy of the National Action Party (PAN) and who aspired to occupy the presidential chair in 2018, left the country and moved to Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Another of the people involved in the Odebrecht affair is the mother of Emilio Lozoya, Gilda Austin, who recently asked President López Obrador to the best thing for all parties involved in the Odebrecht case was to agree to the deal.
“My son has complied by denouncing all those responsible for the last sexenniumeven the highest ranking officer, and offered to pay what the authorities demand by collateralizing my house where I have lived for 47 years and other properties of my family that we have acquired over several generations, for which I ask you to take a decision in this regard,” said the defendant’s mother.
Recently, Emilio Lozoya, through his lawyer, asked the President of the Republic, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, the reason for his imprisonment despite having cooperated with the authorities to clarify the situation. Similarly, the defense has repeatedly stated that the trial should proceed against Enrique Pena Nieto And who worked with him?