On the night of March 8, 2023, from Quibdó, capital of the department of Chocó, President Gustavo Petro was sworn in Aurora Vergara Figueroa as the new Minister of Education. In possession, Vergara Figueroa assured that the infrastructure of institutions and access to higher education will be the pillars of its management.

Aurora Vergara’s arrival at the Ministry of Education occurred after the departure of Alejandro Gaviria on February 27, 2023. From that moment, Vergara Figueroa, who acted as Deputy Minister, was appointed minister responsible and began to attend the proceedings. of the portfolio, such as the meeting with the chairman of the Colombian Federation of Educators Fecode.
In her possession, Aurora Vergara assured that during her tenure, education will be seen as a transformative force, which she hopes will improve the quality of life of Colombians.
“As Minister of National Education, they have a person who will put education at the center as a transformative force, which will improve our living conditions,” said the new minister.
Regarding President Peto’s request for his management, Aurora Vergara assured that since the presidency certain pillars such as higher education have been entrusted to him.
“The President of the Republic has entrusted us with fundamental pillars. We will move forward in expanding coverage so that more young people can enter higher education institutions”.
For the Minister of Education, Vergara Figueroa, the expansion of coverage will not be done simply by increasing the quotas so that more young people can enter to study, also, the government must guarantee their sustainability and thus, that they graduate to have better job opportunities.
Aurora Vergara also commented that when a young person enters higher education, he manages to change his reality and that of his environment and become a reference for his community, which also affects his family positively.
“For this government, higher education is at the center, not only for young people, but also for their families, and that higher education begins in early childhood. A person who pursues higher education changes the reality of his environment and becomes a reference for future generations.
Another of the pillars that the national government wants to strengthen in the management of Aurora Vergara as Minister of Education, concerns the Infrastructure schools and public educational institutions in the country.
He also added that one of the bets of the national government is the transformation of Law 30 of 1992, in which the bases of higher education in Colombia are dictated.
“We will make a fundamental commitment in the transformation of Law 30 of 1992, to transform the quality assurance system so that each training process is of quality and relevant.”
Minister Vergara Figueroa also said that since her administration, it is expected to promote the transformation of the country from the different moments of preschool, basic and secondary education in the country.
To end her inauguration speech, Minister Aurora Vergara sent a message to the Department of Chocó, and assured that its possession in Quibdó is due to a search for the territorial equity and the regional workwhere women are also included as a synonym of excellence.
“Department of Chocó, this possession here today sends an important message to the country of territorial equity and regional work, it sends the message of women at the center, care at the center, excellence at the center.”