The Piquetera unit will camp again on July 9 starting this Wednesday at 3:00 p.m.

The city of Buenos Aires it will still be chaos. The Piquetera unit will carry out a new camp with the installation of tents, starting at 3:00 p.m. today, in front of the Ministry of Social Development and on 9 de Julio Avenue. The “political” challengeaccording to the interpretation of the Casa Rosada, it is because of the 154,441 suspensions from the Potenciar Trabajo program that they have not yet completed the biometric validation and that they have a second instance “after the deadline” to complete the process before the end of the month. If they do not, they will be permanently terminated as of March 1. So far, 55,625 people have applied, because they understand they have been wrongly separated from the plan; it is 36.02% of the total. Each case will be evaluated by the Social Economy Secretariat, which is in charge emilio persicoone of the leaders of the Evita movement.

From the wallet that commands Victoria Toulouse Peace they again accused the piquetero leaders: “In this ministry things are not done as they want Eduardo Belliboni -by the head of Polo Obrero-, nor any organization in particular, things are done in accordance with the rules and obligations everyone has with the program. We insist: will you continue to submit people to protest against their will and put their health at risk in these days of intense heat? Isn’t it better to devote these efforts to collaborating so that all holders can put their revalidation in order?

Tolosa Paz had already strongly criticized the social reference: “Belliboni cannot explain the whereabouts of the 6,000 men and women of the Piquetera Unit, of the Polo Obrero, who certified last month that they were making compensations in the Units management of their organizations., but they have not validated their membership in Potenciar Trabajo. This is solved by getting people to validate their identity.

"Despite the complaints and denunciations, the national government insists with the adjustment to those below at the request of the IMF
“Despite the claims and denunciations, the national government insists with the adjustment to those below at the request of the IMF,” said Eduardo Belliboni

On December 22, left-wing organizations organized a football match in front of the building on Avenida 9 de Julio 1925, and last week erected 150 roadblocks at the main entrances to the country’s most important cities. Today’s camp will be a crescendo in the methodology to exteriorize the protest that will take hostage those who have to circulate in the area.

In this context, Tolosa Paz, who was in Salta yesterday with the Governor Gustavo Saenz He also stressed that “we appreciate the efforts of an Argentina that pays its taxes and wants us to deal with resources with transparency, protecting those who need Empower Jobs”. And in view of the continuous marches on July 9, he asked the Piquetera Unit and its leaders “to make this organizational effort available so that men and women can validate in person the biometric data of the Reference Centers (CDR). The only thing we have established is a clear rule, transparency, for the Empowering Work stage”.

how he was able to rebuild GlobeLiveMedia, between today mid-morning and 2:00 p.m., the columns of piqueteras will begin to march towards the center of Buenos Aires to set up the tents in front of the historic building in the image of Evita from 3:00 p.m. to develop different activities and pass overnight until Thursday. “Despite the claims and denunciations, the national government insists on adjusting those below at the IMF’s request,” Belliboni said before an arrest by this media.


In a long statement, the Piquetero Unit also recalled that: “After holding meetings with officials from the Ministry of Tolosa Paz, but without the minister deigning to receive uswe have verified that the government continues with the idea of ​​insisting on a remote virtual system, which leaves thousands of unemployed workers without the only social assistance they have”.

Furthermore, they warned that this situation is occurring “in the context of an inflationary epidemic and a pronounced recession which affects millions of people in their right to decent work”. For this reason, they denounce that “the complete supply of soup kitchens with the 21 products promised years ago by this same Government is not guaranteed either” and they affirm that: “Many projects presented for the continuity or the opening of self-managed work projects They still do not come out.”

You may be interested: The government distributes nearly 50 billion pesos per month with the Potenciar Trabajo program

Belliboni and other piquetero leaders such as Silvia Saravia, the national coordinator of Libres del Sur, say that the thousands of beneficiaries of Empower Work have not been able to validate their identity “due to a lack of connectivity”, and that social development does not allow offices of all the provinces to do so in person. They understand that this is a strategy to reduce the number of beneficiaries and make a de facto adjustment, “according to IMF requirements and executed by Minister Tolosa Paz”.

In the face of these claims and accusations, the Social Portfolio reports that across the country there are 56 pitches management systems called Reference Centers and that they “are made up of professional teams that work jointly with provincial and municipal governments, organizations and social movements”.

“Make available this organizational effort for men and women to validate biometric data in person at reference centers,” says Minister Victoria Tolosa Paz

For Belliboni, everything revolves around “an undeniable policy of adjustment by the government” and that “salary caps add to runaway inflation and poverty pensions. “This is not just an attack on the stigmatized unemployed, behind it there is a general adjustment to workers who are paying with enormous needs for a crisis that they did not cause. All to serve the payment of a usurious and fraudulent external debt”.

For this reason, the management of the Piquetera Unit assures in its press release that: “It is not prepared to accept that people in a state of almost total vulnerability, be the victims of this adjustment. We demand that all adjustments to those with less be suspended, that programs be opened for those in need, and that the miserable amount charged by colleagues who have an Enhance Job be increased.

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Two leaders will lead the political party of social movements which will seek to compete in the PASO of the FDT
The Civic Coalition has asked the government to explain where the 50 billion dollars that will be saved thanks to the reductions of the Potenciar Trabajo will go

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