Lima, 14 Feb. Mobilizations and roadblocks due to anti-government protests in Peru were reduced to 6.6% of the national territory and affected five of the country’s 25 regions on Tuesday, although the majority was concentrated in the southern department of Puno, adjacent to Bolivia, according to official data.
The latest report from the Office of the Ombudsman mentions protest actions in four provinces of the country during this day, including two in the central departments of Pasco and Huancavelica, and two others in Puno.
In addition, the agency registered roadblocks in 11 provinces, 7 of which also belong to the department of Puno, which concentrates the majority of roadblocks which, in total, cause traffic interruptions in 31 points of the national territory.
The other blockades, much more isolated, affect the provinces of Andahuaylas and Chincheros, in the department of Aprímac; the province of Espinar, in Cuzco, and Tambopata, in the jungle department of Madre de Dios.
The Ombudsman’s report, which collects data from the Superintendence of Land Transport of People, Goods and Goods (Sutran), reveals the downward trend in acts of collective protest, which have almost halved in the past few years. last two weeks.
The interactive map published by Sutran shows that several highways are experiencing multiple interruptions in the provinces of Carabaya, Azángaro, Lampa, San Román, Puno, El Collao and Chucuito, towards Desaguadero, one of the main transit points to Bolivia .
Since social protests erupted last December in Peru after former President Pedro Castillo’s failed auto-coup, the south of the country has been the epicenter of anti-government protests demanding the resignation of President Dina Boluarte. and the advancement of the elections for 2023. among other claims.
This region of the country is also where the highest number of protesters killed in clashes with law enforcement has been recorded, since, of the 48 recorded nationally, a total of 42 died in the southern departments of Cuzco, Puno, Ayacucho, Apurímac and Arequipa.
Among them, 17 died in a few hours on January 9 in the town of Juliaca, located in Puno, during a mobilization which took place near the local airport.
In addition to the 48 dead in clashes, the protests claimed the lives of a policeman and around 20 people died due to events related to road blockages, bringing the total death toll to 70, according to various sources. ECE