Costa Rica urged the Nicaraguan dictatorship to guarantee the right to nationality. (AP)

Costa Rica expressed concern about the measures of the Nicaraguan dictatorship aimed at withdrawing citizenship from more than 300 opponentsurging Daniel Ortega’s regime to guarantee the right to nationality.

He Ministry of Foreign Affairs Costa Rican phoned Managua why respects “its international obligations to guarantee the right to nationality and to take measures for the prevention and eradication of statelessness”.

“For Costa Rica, which maintains (a) a strong presence in international human rights forums, The situation in the sister country contradicts the obligations that each State has under international lawwhich prohibits arbitrary deprivation of nationality for racial, ethnic, religious or political reasons,” said Deputy Minister Christian Guillermet-Fernández.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs remained in line with what was declared by The United Nations and other multilateral organizations, which recall that deprivation of nationality contravenes the 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons and the 1961 Convention for the Reduction of Statelessness, to which Nicaragua is a party.

The Nicaraguan dictatorship withdrew nationality from 94 citizens last week, including journalists, activists, politicians, clerics or human rights defenders, declared “fugitives from justice”.

This action took place after the deportation of Nicaragua to the United States 222 arrestedwhom he also left stateless, raising to 316 Nicaraguans who lost their nationality in less than seven days.

The Nicaraguan dictatorship withdrew nationality from 94 citizens last week, including journalists, activists, politicians, clerics or human rights defenders, declared
The Nicaraguan dictatorship withdrew nationality from 94 citizens last week, including journalists, activists, politicians, clerics or human rights defenders, declared “fugitives from justice”.

So far, Latin American governments they did not unanimously condemn the case of the 317 stateless Nicaraguanswith the exception of Chile.

Colombia there Mexico reacted with caution, while Brazil there Argentina they were silent.

In this sense, the NGO save democracy urges other Latin American democracies to support the struggle of political prisoners and calls on them “to speak out with force against these totalitarian actionsand jointly provide I support citizens who have been stripped of their nationality and private property.

In a statement, the agency also expressed “its deepest rejection of the systematic and increasingly frequent violation of human rights in Nicaraguaincluding the illegitimate deprivation of liberty and the flagrant violation of the right to nationality and private property of many Nicaraguans for attempting to exercise freedom of expression, freedom of association and other universal political and social rights”.

« The recent legislative reforms adopted by Daniel Ortega contravene international law in particular the Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the American Declaration of Human Rights. In this very serious socio-political context, the regime of Daniel Ortega continues to repress any attempt at democratic renewal,” said Save Democracy.

The NGO Save Democracy instó al resto de las democracias Latinoamericanas a apoyar la lucha de los presos políticos y los llamó “a que se expresen contundentemente en contra de estas acciones totalitarias, y solidariamente brinden apoyo a los ciudadanos que han sido despojados de su nacionalidad y private property
The NGO Save Democracy instó al resto de las democracias Latinoamericanas a apoyar la lucha de los presos políticos y los llamó “a que se expresen contundentemente en contra de estas acciones totalitarias, y solidariamente brinden apoyo a los ciudadanos que han sido despojados de su nacionalidad y private property”. (PA)

Eventually, the NGO urged Nicaragua to immediately guarantee the human rights of citizensincluding the right of access to justice, the right to due process, the right to nationality, the right to private property and, in this same sense, Demands the release of all those arbitrarily detained as opponents politicians, including those who participate in civil society organizations and advocate for women’s rights”.

In this sense, he demanded that the Sandinista regime “adopt urgent measures for democratic recovery and the rule of law, and refrain from continuing to adopt autocratic actions against human rights defenders or against people who express critical opinions”.

(With information from Europa Press and EFE)

They denounced that the Nicaraguan regime broke records for human rights violations in 2022
Nicaragua’s Lucha coalition has warned that Daniel Ortega is exercising state terrorism “by perfecting his repressive methods”

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