VALÈNCIA – The Congress of Deputies has rejected this Wednesday the motion of censure against the Government of Pedro Sánchez presented by Vox with Ramón Tamames as candidate for the presidency of the Government.

The result of the vote was 53 votes in favor, 201 against and 91 abstentions. Five deputies did not vote.

The motion has been supported exclusively by the deputies of Vox, while the Popular Party has abstained, as announced by the party presided by Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

Tamames responds to all
The candidate, Ramón Tamames, took the floor this Wednesday in the second session of the plenary to respond to the spokespersons of all parties, to whom he assured to have listened with “attention” and to have found “interesting” points in their interventions, even in that of the members of the CUP. The debate shows, in his opinion, that the motion of censure has not been “idle” and has served to contrast ideas.

In this context, he has censured the vehement tone of the Socialist spokesman, Patxi López, who had intervened before him and has even recommended him caffeine to avoid heart problems. “It is not a parliamentary session, it is a preparatory rally for the elections of May 28,” he has reproached.

In particular, he has censured the allusions to the dictator Francisco Franco and has defended that “history cannot be made from the Official State Bulletin”. “What were they doing in Franco’s time? -he asked. Vegetables, living as well as possible with the laws of the movement”.

He also accused the Government of “using” women “as if they were a bargaining chip” and evoked Queen Isabella the Catholic, who in the 16th century “already had more power than the king himself”.

Tamames believes that the whole Government has “the virus” of the “Moncloa syndrome”, because “they think they are doing very well”. In return, he has invited them to take a walk and see that “they are not welcomed with enthusiasm”.

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