In the midst of various complaints against the Congress -for large unnecessary expenses- the Comptroller General of the Republic will open an investigation in this regard with the cases known to date.

On February 26, the President of Parliament, Jose Williams Zapataasked the institution to initiate a special examination, on the procurement processes of parliamentary goods and services, during the last year.

The legislator has not only been accused of spend S/80 per parliamentarian for a buffet lunch or dinner (S/. 2’037,537.30-Fourth Power), but it was also pointed out by the purchase of airline tickets for alleged improper use (S/. 414,000-El Comercio) and the Acquisitions of Iphone cell phones -according to the Republic- for a cost of S/1’547,391.00.

Statement by José Williams, President of the Congress
Statement by José Williams, President of the Congress

He was even denounced S/’s overspending. 2,551,720.00 in carpets, televisions and parkingaccording to a survey by Panorama.

“I must announce that I have taken the following steps: to restructure the procurement processes carried out by the Congress of the Republic, in order to apply the expenditure control measures. (…) I reaffirm my commitment to carry out a correct and transparent management of the Congress,” he said in a statement.

The tasks of collecting information from the Comptroller’s Office will be entrusted to the staff of the Directorate of Political, Institutional and Economic Control, according to El Comercio.

“It has been agreed that the General Directorate of Administration of the Congress of the Republic will provide you with all the logistical and informational facilities required by the audit commission designated by your office,” Williams Zapata said in a letter sent to the Nelson controller. Hut.

In this context, in accordance with Law 300742 – which establishes the independence of institutional control bodies, except in the case of Congress – the Comptroller’s Office will investigate these contracts, although it will not report to the control body. , but from the Parlmaneto itself, according to the newspaper.

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