More than a month has already been completed since the report of the disappearance of little Sara Sofía Galván, a 2-year-old girl, from Bogotá, and whose loss was recorded in the Patio Bonito neighborhood, in the town of Kennedy, south of the Colombian capital, on February 18.

This Saturday, the media Semana and El Tiempo recorded shocking details of the case of the minor that has shocked the Colombia.

The main suspects in the loss of Sara Sofía are her mother, Carolina Galván and her stepfather, Nilson Díaz, who were sent to jail this Thursday around noon, after the Prosecutor’s Office charged them with forced disappearance.

Capture of Carolina Galván and Nilson Díaz.

Capture of Carolina Galván and Nilson Díaz.

Something that surprised the accusing body were the statements that Galván mother gave about the disappearance of her firstborn.

According to Semana, the woman took the police to the Tunjuelito river, where, according to the first instance, she had thrown Sara Sofía after they found her “stiff, cold, lifeless, with her little purple face and lying on the bed”.

After finding her in that supposed physical state, the mother of the minor assured that she wrapped her in a blue blanket and threw her into a pipe of the aforementioned river.

However, this version was distorted by Xiomara Galván Cuesta, Sara Sofía’s aunt, who assured that, after rescuers searched for her niece in the Tunjuelito River and did not find her, she suspected that something much more murky was happening.

As compiled by the newspaper El Tiempo, who spoke with the aunt of the missing minor, since Carolina Galván gave birth to Sara Sofía, they showed “the mother’s lack of affection towards the girl.”

“Her role as mom was difficult for her. I used to reproach her for that,” Xiomara told the newspaper, while assuring that her sister was never clear about who the little girl’s true father was.


Xiomara assured that her sister lived quietly with them, however, she made the decision to go live with a friend. But later, according to El Tiempo, Sara’s mother’s sister discovered that with whom Carolina lived, it was with her alleged sentimental partner Nilson Diaz, and who is also related to the disappearance of Sara Sofia.

At the end of January, Xiomara says, in the kindergarten where Sara Sofía attended, they were told that Carolina and Nilson claimed the minor’s financial subsidy, but that the minor was not with them. The minor’s aunt wanted to report, but believed that no one would believe her because the one who had taken Sara was her own mother.

“He told me that Carolina told him that a girl had died. I was surprised by his calm. A child died and that is a very great pain”, Marisela assured Xiomara. Marisela is a Venezuelan woman who would be a key witness in Sara’s disappearance. The woman assured that she became friends with Carolina and she told her how the minor would have died.

According to Semana, Marisela confirmed to Xiomara that her sister, Sara’s mother, threw the girl into the Tunjuelito River.

Despite this statement, Xiomara confronted Carolina and she changed her version, she said that she did not throw her daughter into the river, but gave her to a lady.

After the harsh statements, Xiomara notified the authorities, who captured, charged and sent Carolina Galván, mother of the missing child, and Nilson Díaz, Sara’s stepfather, behind bars.

Other details revealed by the media was that Carolina was taking refuge in a pagadiario where for 7,000 pesos they let her spend the night. Nilson Díaz has four children and at the time of his capture he was with his little ones in begging conditions.

Meanwhile, El Tiempo assures that Carolina was manipulated by Nilson into giving him all her earnings.

Xiomara investigated Díaz and showed that the man would be immersed in prostitution issues and would have linked Carolina to prostitute herself in the vicinity of Corabastos.

On the other hand, according to El Tiempo, Nilson has said that he does not know where the minor is, that he was always afraid that the case of the little girl would become mediatic and he says that he always reproached Carolina, his partner and Sara’s mother, for trying to take care of her when she had no money.

After the statements of the minor’s aunt, the search for Sara Sofía continues and the victim’s relatives ask whoever has information to report what happened. Xiomara remembers the little girl as “the daughter I couldn’t have” and says she hopes justice is done.

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