This August 7, Colombian celebrated the 202 years of the Battle of Boyacá and the 211 years of the National Army. Celebration that was framed under the slogan of “211 years, younger than ever”, which could be a wink by that institution to reinforce its image before young people who were recently the protagonists of social protests against the government.
Even the Army launched its new TikTok account, which is committed to reinforcing the spirit of the institution. There, they already published a first video that is precisely about the 211 years of the Army and in a fresher format.
It is noteworthy that several public entities of the Executive have also chosen to venture into this application to reach a much more youthful population. This has been done by the Minister of Housing, Jonathan Malagón and even Vice President Marta Lucía Ramírez.
Other armies have also chosen to use this social network in order to recruit young people. This is the case of the Israeli army that came to TikTok with a modern language and that has already managed to position itself with viral videos of young military men doing challenges.
But others prefer not to resort to those spaces, as in the army of the United States where Tik Tok is prohibited for its troops, and if their cell phones were part of the endowment, they cannot download it. In fact, it is considered a threat to national security.
“This year also marks a democratic milestone for the youth of Colombia.” The president said that he did not waste this Saturday to send a message to the protagonists of the protests in recent months.
The head of state affirmed that this electoral contest “will allow you, mayors, to empower young people to formulate proposals”, which will open the doors for the construction of a “youth citizenship”.
The day will be carried out by closed list, with parity lists and zip lists, advancing -from the youth- towards gender equality and the empowerment of women in Colombia.
“There will be no winners and losers”, he affirmed, because there will be equitable distribution among the representatives of parties, the representatives of organizations and the representatives of the platforms and organizations of communal action.
“With this we are going to show that, in Colombia, youth express themselves through democracy and do not allow themselves to be intimidated by those who want to mobilize them towards hatred and destruction”, concluded President Duque.
During the commemoration of the 202 years of the Battle of Boyacá and National Army Day, at the Tolemaida Military Fort, Duque also noted that his administration has “sought that the defense of democracy in the region be a clear principle” and stressed that “one thing is the self-determination of the peoples and another thing the self-determination of tyrants”.
“For this reason, as President of the Republic, I have participated in all forums and I understand the desire of the democratic resistance in Venezuela to find lights for the construction of democracy. We will always accompany that democratic resistance in this regard, but we will never be consults nor will we be mellifluous to denounce the dictatorship that ruined that country”, he emphasized.