Coat and umbrella or light clothes and cap? If you don’t know what outfit to go out with this Sunday, here it is weather forecast for the following hours in Piura.
During the day temperature it will reach a maximum of 36 degrees, the probability of rain It will be 43%, with 67% cloudiness, while wind gusts will reach 43 kilometers per hour.
As for ultraviolet rays, they should reach a level of up to 11.
For the night, temperature will reach 23 degrees, while precipitation forecast It will be 86%, with 100% cloudiness, while wind gusts will blow at 33 kilometers per hour during the day.
In the department of Piura, at least eleven types of climate are reported, highlighting the weather conditions arid and hot, as well as temperate, with little humidity.
Piura is located in the north of Peru, on the coast of the Pacific Ocean and on the border with Ecuador. Hence its mostly dry climate.
The climate which has the greatest extension over the whole department is arid.which runs from the west side on the coast of the Pacific Ocean covering the provinces of Talara, Sullana, Paita, Sechura and Piura.
The easternmost area of the department, further from the coast and higher, is where there is more climatic diversity, where the weather changes from arid to semi-arid, semi-dry, and even in some parts it gets rainy and very rainy.
What’s the weather like in Peru?
In Peru, up to 38 types of weather are feltaccording to the National Meteorology and Hydrology Service (Senamhi), this is due to the interaction between different climatic and geographical factors.
These main factors, details the Senamhi, are its geographical position in the Tropic of Capricorn and the proximity of the Andes mountain range.
Among the 38 climates, Senamhi highlights three main which are defined according to the area of the country in which they are located.
On the coast of the South American country, which meets the Pacific Ocean and covers barely 11.6% of the national territory, the weather prevailing there is arid and temperatebeing its main climatic characteristic the rarity of the rains.
In the sawthe area close to the Andes and which occupies 28.1% of Peruvian territory, the climate is rainy and cold mostly.
While in the junglewhere the tropical climate of Peru is most filled, occupying 60.3% of its surface, the weather is defined as very rainy and hot.