Temperature, probability of rain, clouds and ultraviolet rays are some of the information you need to know before leaving home. (GlobeLiveMedia/Jovani Perez)

Due to climate change, weather changes are more constant, which means that in a single day there can be high temperatures, constant rains as well as severe frosts; take precautions and know The weather forecast for March 5 in Mexico City.

During the day temperature it will reach a maximum of 29 degrees, the probability of rain it will be 1%, with 92% cloudiness, while the wind gusts will be 35 kilometers per hour.

As for ultraviolet rays, they should reach a level of up to 8.

For the night, temperature will reach 12 degrees, while precipitation forecast It will be 1%, with 31% cloudiness, while wind gusts will reach 24 kilometers per hour during the day.

    The temperature at CDMX fluctuates between 22 and 27 degrees.  (GlobeLiveMedia file)
The temperature at CDMX fluctuates between 22 and 27 degrees. (GlobeLiveMedia file)

One would think that because of its geographical location and its extension, the CDMX would have a homogeneous subtropical climate but this is not the casesince it has climates that range from temperate to cold humid and alpine tundra in the highest part of the south.

In general, the climate is warm and temperate in CDMX and varies on average between 22 and 27 degrees; Summers are characterized by a good amount of rainfall, with June, August and September being the months with the most rainfall.

During the winter, temperatures generally drop to zero degrees in the higher areas of the periphery, such as the I adjust; on the other hand, town halls such as Iztacalco, Iztapalapa, Venustiano Carranza and Gustavo A. Madero These are generally the driest and most temperate.

Between the historical documents It is known that the last time snow fell in the city was in the year of 1967; while the highest temperature was recorded on May 9, 1998, when the thermometer rose to 33.9 degrees, while the minimum was -10 degrees recorded on December 10, 1972.

Because of climate change the capital is hard hit by constant environmental contingencies, which is why currently the Ministry of the Environment (Sedema), in alliance with the German Cooperation for Sustainable Development (GIZ Mexico) and the Mexico Climate Initiative (ICM) , set up a series of actions that revolve around integrated and sustainable mobility; city ​​of the sun; Zero waste; sustainable water management and river rescue; revegetation of the countryside and the city; air quality and climate culture.

In Mexico, up to seven types of climate are identified.  (GlobeLiveMedia file)
In Mexico, up to seven types of climate are identified. (GlobeLiveMedia file)

Mexico is one of the countries with the greatest biodiversity in the world, because due to its geographical location What gives it such a wide variety of climates is that it is home to 12% of the world’s species (12,000 of which are endemic).

The country is located in two completely different areas as it is crossed by the Tropic of Cancer: on the one hand there is the tropical zone and on the other with a temperate climate, however, these are intermingled by the oceans and the reliefs that surround Mexico, giving rise to more weather.

Given this, it is not surprising to find that in the highest parts of Chihuahua temperatures range from -30 degrees, while in the Mexicali desert the thermometer reaches up to 50 degrees.

The country has a hot and rainy zone which includes the lower coastal plain of the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific; warm-humid and warm sub-humid regions found in the coastal plains of the Gulf of Mexico, the Pacific Ocean, the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, northern Chiapas and the Yucatan Peninsula; dry climate in the Western and Eastern Sierra Madre, the upper basins of the Balsas and Papaloapan rivers, parts of the isthmus of tehuantepec, Yucatan and Chiapas; the temperate zones, mainly the territory north of the Tropic of Cancer; and semi-desert, north of the Altiplano.

The average weather in the country is 19 degrees, however, there are cities like Mexicali, Culiacán, Ciudad Juárez, Hermosillo, Torreón, Saltillo or Monterrey where the high temperatures are really extreme.

When we talk about the maximum and minimum temperature records in Mexico, we have to San Luis Rio Coloradoa city located in Sonora but bordering the Baja California Great Altar Desert, rose to the 58.5 degrees July 6, 1966; On the other hand, the minimum temperature was recorded on December 27, 1997 in the Municipality of Madero in Chihuahua, with -25 degrees.

Experts assure that due to climate change, the nation will experience in the future a decrease in annual rainfall and a considerable increase in temperatures; In addition, there have been major effects on farmers and herders due to the severe droughts or floods recent years; while in hot weather there has been an increase in the number of environmental hazards in major metropolises such as CDMX or Monterrey.

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