Amazon has become a great ally of Mexican readers when it comes to choosing books. (GlobeLiveMedia/Jovani Perez)

After the COVID-19 pandemic that shook the whole world, the book industry he trembled at the uncertain future ahead of him, as the news began to freeze, fearing the worst. However, thanks to platforms such as Amazon the book managed to overcome adversity and, on the contrary, to shine again.

And it is that, contrary to what many have come to think, millions of people have managed to rediscover books during confinement, or have found a way to increase reading time.

Platforms like Amazon in Mexico, they have proven to be of great help to readers who, faced with the limited possibility of going to a library or bookstore, have chosen to purchase various titles by courier or download them to electronic devices, such as tablets or alight.

While it is well known that a library or bookstore allows readers to browse its shelves and discover titles and authors they did not know existed, on the contrary, on Amazon it is easier to do so if you know exactly the type of book you want.

Amazon, understanding the need for readers to find other deals but not getting lost in all the news that comes out daily, launched a ranking of the most popular titles and authors of the moment so that next time you don’t have to worry about what to read next.

Below is a list of the most popular works for this Saturday, February 25 on Amazon Mexico:

1. Atomic Habits
Author: James Clair
Number of pages: 328

ATOMIC HABITS starts from a simple but powerful question: how to live better? We know that good habits allow us to considerably improve our daily life, but often we deviate from the path: we stop playing sports, we eat badly, we sleep little, we waste. Why is it so easy to fall into bad habits and so hard to follow good ones? James Clear gives us fantastic ideas based on scientific research, which allow him to reveal to us how we can transform small daily habits to change our life and improve it. This guide exposes the hidden forces that shape our behavior from our mindset, through the environment and even genetics, and shows us how to apply each change to our lives and work. After reading this book, you will have a simple method to develop an effective system that will lead you to success. Learn how Give yourself time to develop new habits Overcome lack of motivation and willpower Design an environment to make success easy to achieve Get back on track when you’ve strayed a bit

2. The Fine Art of Fucking Off: A Disruptive Approach to Living the Good Life (NEW EDITION)
Author:Marc Manson
Number of pages: 224

Revised edition of this worldwide bestseller. Over the past few years, Mark Manson – in his popular blog – has worked to correct our delusional expectations about ourselves and the world. Now he offers us all his fearless wisdom in this pioneering book. Manson reminds us that human beings are fallible and limited: “we can’t all be extraordinary: there are winners and losers in society and it’s not always fair or it’s your fault.” Manson advises us to recognize our limitations and accept them. This is, according to him, the true origin of empowerment. Once we welcome our fears, flaws and uncertainties, once we stop running and avoiding and start facing painful truths, we can begin to find courage, perseverance, honesty, the responsibility, curiosity and forgiveness we seek. . This manifesto is a refreshing slap in the face for us to begin living more grounded and fulfilling lives.

3. Beats I Didn’t Say (Spanish Edition)
Author: Roos.
Number of pages:

There are so many mixed feelings that even I couldn’t tell what this book is about, I just know that I put my soul into it.

4. The 5 Languages ​​of Love (Spanish Edition): The Secret of Enduring Love
Author: Gary Chapman
Number of pages: 208

It’s the New York Times #1 bestseller for 8 consecutive years. Updated to reflect the complexity of relationships today, this new edition teaches essential truths that really work; In addition, it presents sound and practical advice for restoring relationships.

5. Idiot Generation: Critique of adolescent society
Author: Agustin Laje
Number of pages: 304

Idiot Generation offers us a deep dive into the demise of intergenerational society and the rise of the teenage mentality, which has caused great damage to politics and society. Continuing the general idea of ​​his book The Cultural Battle, the famous writer, political scientist, intellectual and lecturer Agustín Laje invites young people to rebel against the dominant paradigm, joining the cultural battle that the new rights are waging all over the world. The ancient Greeks called the man disconnected from his context, disconnected from the problems of the city, ignorant of all events, an idiot: the egocentric man was an idiot. Nowadays, there is an idiotic generation, manipulated by a culture which, while massifying young people, makes them feel original; at the same time that he deceives them in a thousand ways, he makes them believe that they are powerful; and at the same time that it plunges them into a consumerist hedonism in which they even buy their identity, it makes them believe that they are revolutionaries.

6. Genealogy of morality
Author: Friedrich Nierzsche
Number of pages: 142

Published in 1887, Genealogy of Morality provoked, as Nietzsche himself put it, “a profound upheaval of the erroneous conscience against all that had been believed, demanded and sanctified until now”. The objective of this work was to deepen the meaning and validity of morality. Nietzsche proposed that the judgment of good and evil depended on the perspective of the person interpreting it, ie; the subject is the one who has decided which values ​​are useful to him. This work has sought to modify Western conceptions, maintained throughout the Christian era, to make room for the will to power and the superman.

7. Netter’s Anatomy Coloring Book
Author: Ph.D. John T. Hansen
Number of pages: 392

Magnificent learning work based on Netter images and the “Netter style” prepared by Dr. Carlos Machado, which through the coloring activity represents a new way of studying human anatomy. The book becomes an active learning tool since the coloring exercises, legends, explanatory text, lists of key points and tables help to understand the anatomical and functional importance of the different regions of the human body. It is organized in the same sections as the Atlas and each of the plates contains cross-references to the book. Review questions with corresponding correct answers are included at the end of each section. The work includes access to online materials in English through the platform, which contains all correctly colored sheets and a bank of self-assessment questions.

8. How to make friends and influence people
Author: Dale Carnegie
Number of pages: 304

Dale Carnegie’s sound and proven advice has led countless people to the pinnacle of success in their professional and personal lives. One of the first self-help bestsellers, it was first published in 1936 and has sold 15 million copies worldwide. Dale Carnegie wrote this book as an addition to his Public Speaking and Human Relations course and never imagined it would become a bestseller and people would read it, review it and live by its rules. . Carnegie interviewed many famous people to take examples from their lives. Among them are Edison, Franklin D. Roosevelt and James Farley.

9. The 48 Laws of Power
Author:Robert Green
Number of pages: 632

The worldwide bestseller for those who want to obtain, study or fight absolute power. Amoral, ruthless, ruthless and above all very instructive, this incisive work concentrates three thousand years of history of power in forty-eight clear and concise laws. Robert Greene details the laws of power in their rawest essence, synthesizing the thought of Machiavelli, Sun Tzu, Carl von Clausewitz and other great theorists and strategists. Some laws urge caution (“Law 1: Never follow your master”); others, secrecy (“Law #3: Conceal Your Intentions”); still others, a complete lack of mercy (“Law #15: Crush Your Enemy Completely”). But, like it or not, they all have applications in everyday life. Illustrated with anecdotes of Elizabeth II, Henry Kissinger, PT Barnum and others who wielded (or suffered) power, these laws will fascinate anyone interested in all manifestations of total control.

10. The Stranger
Author: Albert Camus
Number of pages: 107

The Stranger is a novel published in 1942, the first of the French writer Albert Camus. The foreigner is generally associated with the philosophy of the absurd and existentialism, even if Camus always moved away from this last label.

International Book Fair at the Palacio de Minería.  (CUARTOSCURO.COM)
International Book Fair at the Palacio de Minería. (CUARTOSCURO.COM)

Adults over 18 who live in Mexico read an average of 3.9 books per yearwhich implies an increase from the 3.7 books recorded in 2021, according to the Reading Module (MOLEC) of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) published in 2022.

According to the study, the reading of magazines and newspapers in digital format has reached its lowest point in the last six years; on the contrary, Internet pages, forums and blogs have increased.

Compared to 2016 figures, reading the digital magazines went from 51.4% to 34.9%; digital newspapers went from 57.6% to 33.9%; while Internet pages, photos and blogs increased from 45.2% to 57.6%.

Books read by the adult reading population were 3.9 copies, the highest figure recorded since 2016. In addition, women remain at the top of book reading with 65.9% against 54.4% of male readers; however, men read more when it comes to newspapers, at 44.1% versus 23.5%, as well as comics, registering 9.6 versus 7.3%.

Among the 18-year-old population who read books, 44.1% say the main reason for reading is entertainmentwhile 23.8% did so for work or study20.7% for general culture10.1% for religion and 1.4% for another reason.

The type of books read by the literate population aged 18 and over during the last twelve months was the subject of literature (novel, short story, science fiction, poetry, theater, etc.) with 39.5%, followed by specialized books, 29.5%; self-help, personal or religious improvement, with 29.5%; general knowledge, 26.5%; and manuals, guides or cookbooks with 8.4 percent.

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