Banking entities offer couple savings opportunities through covered accounts.

Although the celebration of Valentine’s Day It is typical of the culture of the United States, in Latin America it has gained momentum in recent years. February 14 is one of the days that merchants wait for to generate better sales in their businesses and large chains as well as small and medium-sized enterprises take advantage of the “quarter of an hour” to create promotions and offer services other than those already known.

In the case of financial institutions, products of this type are also offered and although they are not exclusive to the date, they are linked to couples offering certain advantages.

When creating a shared savings account or take out a credit card with your partner, you could even benefit from interest rates at 0 in certain cases or administration fees at no additional cost.

To create it, only the two interested parties must go to one of the trusted entities with their identity document and sign a product opening form, they can also open it without credit with a high positive response rate.

On dates like these, registrations in restaurants, hotels and commercial establishments of all kinds increase, not to mention that now the economy is adapting quickly to digital formats, even more than for the same cash.

If you are thinking of carrying out any of these activities or even if you have plans for the future together, you must know the types of cards, and one of the most used is the debit or credit card supported. This modality allows users to share expenses, and is not exclusive to couples, they can also be used with a family member or friend.

These accounts require a high engagement by both parties, since it relies on two users, the protector and the protected, and one would be directly affected by the other in the event of a breach of the commitments made with the financial institution, in particular with credits.

“There must be great trust and communication management between the couple, to know what agreement they reach regarding the use of the credit of one of the two by taking advantage of the other”, said Mónica Higuera, financial expert in declarations for The Republic.

Some banks offer the possibility for the carer to decide fixed amounts to which the protected will have access, and can do this through a monthly figure or define whether the use of the card will be fully shared. In addition, both users can review all movements made with the card via SMS.

Another of the advantages offered by these cards is the application fee, which can be free for three months from the opening of the product, and from the fourth month only 50% is paid on the total cost of a card debit.

In the case of accounts or traditional credit cards, permanent management fees are charged, which generates annoyance for many users, but with a covered account You have the possibility of making purchases without administration fees and, as with an account receivable, 50% will be paid from the third month, this also allows you to make cash advances up to 100% of available space.

These accounts can be opened in entities such as Bancolombia, Banco de Bogotá, BBVA or Itaú, banks that also offer the possibility of earn pointswhich can be redeemed by the owner for future purchases.

In addition to the faculties offered by this shared account, there is that of payment of amounts in commercial establishments, which can be made for amounts up to 250,000 pesos in Colombia.

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