Ecuadorian journalist Lenin Artieda, was the target of an explosive attack. This Monday morning, after Artieda had finished his interview space at Ecuavisa, he inserted a USB key that had arrived in an envelope into his computer. The device exploded in the middle of a report in Guayaquil. According to initial information, Artieda was not injured and was transferred to a safe place.
News of the event was shared on social media, through other Ecuadorian colleagues, who expressed their rejection of the intimidation aimed at silencing journalism. As indicated by Ecuavisa, a media to which Artieda belongs, he received a yellow envelope last Thursday. However, he did not open it until today, when he returned to work after paternity leave. Inside the envelope they found a threatening note against the journalist, as published ecuavisa.
javier changesThe National Police Forensics Chief reported that the explosion on the TV station happened with an explosive that managed to have a 5 volt charge when inserted into the computer. Police suspect that the explosive that happened to ecuavisa it’s a military type RDX, which are very small capsules of about one centimeter. In the middle, half of the artifact exploded.
There Ecuadorian Presidency issued a statement rejecting the attack: “Any attempt to intimidate journalism and freedom of expression are wrongdoings which must be meted out to the full extent of justice,” the bulletin said. Furthermore, the government expressed its solidarity with Artieda and with the media team.
For its part, the Andean Foundation for the Observation and Study of the Mediaalso known as fondamedios, issued an urgent alert about the attack and condemned the act. Likewise, the Network of Free Journalists of Ecuador rejected the attack and demanded that the state “activate mechanisms to protect the work of journalists”.
According to the Minister of the Interior, Juan Zapataseveral police officers were deployed near the media to collect evidence that would help find those responsible for the attack.
Another attempted attack was also recorded on television Guayaquil TC Television. Just like what happened with Artieda, last Thursday arrived an envelope containing an explosive device for journalist Mauricio Ayora, known as Caterva. Media workers have been evacuated and police are preparing for a controlled detonation.
Monday morning, we also knew that a similar envelope had arrived at the press room of Teleamazon in Quito, addressed to the journalist and director of information, Milton Perez. As confirmed by journalists from the capital’s editorial office, the police arrived at the premises of the outlet to collect information.

In statements to the press, the governor of Guayas, Francesco Tabacchi Rendonindicates that USB drives that have reached media are activated when inserted into a computer.
The National Police Forensics Chief said he was investigating the connection between the events. Moreover, in Guayaquil, the police collect information from a private courier company.
The State Attorney General’s Office announced that it would open an ex officio investigation into the bombing of journalist Lenin Artieda and also confirmed that evidence was being collected at TC Televisión facilities.
Monday afternoon, Álvaro Rosero León, from Radio Democracysaid they had also found a package at their premises, which had arrived the previous Wednesday, addressed to the journalist Miguel Rivadeneira. After finding out what had happened in other media, Rivadeneira went to the Judicial Police, where they confirmed that the device had an explosive charge.
Minister Zapata confirmed that two envelopes containing explosives hidden in USB keys had been sent to Quito and that there were three destined for Guayaquil. One of the envelopes, addressed to journalist Carlos Vera, did not leave the courier company.
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