Horacio Conzi (NA: Laura Tenenbaum/Diario Popular)

The San Isidro judge returned on Tuesday to dismiss probation and house arrest for Horace Concithe former foodie entrepreneur who murdered 20 years ago Marcos Schenone in Bécar. For Criminal Enforcement Judge No. 2 Victoria Laura Elias Garcia Maañon the damned he is in no condition to return to the world.

According to the resolution of the magistrate in charge of the case after the sentence of 24 years and nine months in prison to which Conzi (63) was sentenced for the homicide, and to which he consented GlobeLiveMedia; That wasn’t the only bad news Justice gave to foodie. Also, he sent to investigate with his brother in a new criminal casewhen it was discovered that they had submitted false medical reports with the intention of favoring him, court sources reported.

The sentence Conzi received for Schenone’s crime, according to the calculation, will not expire until December 13, 2027.

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Although the judge takes into account in his decision that Conzi has already served the temporary two-thirds requirement of her probation sentence, and that prison reports indicate that in Unit No. 48 of San Martín she has “10 exemplary conduct”, she said that for her “the situation has worsened.

“Beyond the good intramural behavior of the convict, my conviction deepened regarding the difficulties of the prisoner and even of his brother in respecting social norms,” García Maañon said in his judgment.

Conzi, in 2019, walks goats on the sidewalk of his house in San Isidro
Conzi, in 2019, walks goats on the sidewalk of his house in San Isidro

“His ability to attempt to circumvent the controls and rules imposednot by this justice but by the whole penal system, there are no limitsbecause he crudely continues to carry out maneuvers to force this magistrate to adopt an inappropriate decision that is in line with his interests,” the judge pointed out.

It is that García Maañon revealed in his resolution that he was able to verify that a series of medical certificates and reports were apocryphal that the official defense introduced into the file through the accused’s older brother, Hugo Conzi, entre diciembre y enero pasado, y en los que un neurólogo, otra médica del sanatorio Las Lomas y un cardiologo indicaban que el condenado había tenido un reciente ACV, que le vaticinaban una “corta expectativa de vida”, y que debía hacer tratamientos fuera de the prison.

“I love that Horacio S. Conzi is not in a condition to be reinstated early in society,” the judge said, dismissing probation.

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Tax Marcos Peterson He had expressed his position regarding the concession requested by the former businessman, recalling that “the convicted person benefited from house arrest for a few months, during which he the performance was not adequate and correctsince he systematically violated the perimeter of the home without judicial authorization.

On this occasion it was walking goats filmed on the sidewalk of his house in San Isidro.

At the same time, the prosecution highlighted the findings of psychological and psychiatric reports from recent years. “We are dealing with a subject that presents people with a totally different image from his own, according to his convenience, maintain violent attitudes and even projecting their responsibilities onto others,” Petersen said.

On the other hand, the judge took into account the fact that the witness of the crime of Schenone, Roberto Gustave Halbingersaid to have been threat several times by the Conzi brothers, asking him to modify his statement.

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