Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, reiterated this Saturday his opposition to the suspension of patents for vaccines against coronavirus and urged the United States to open the “market”To allow exports of vaccines and their components.

Now that much of the American population is vaccinated, I wish that we could have a free exchange of components and also an opening of the vaccine market,” declared Merkel at a press conference at the end of a summit of European leaders.

The European Union has always exported a large part of its production and that should be the norm,” alleged Merkel.

French President Emmanuel Macron also called on the “Anglo-Saxon” to stop “to block” the exports.

Macron stressed that of the 110 million doses produced in Europe, the EU had exported 45 million and saved 65 million. At the same time, he regretted that “100% of vaccines produced in the United States go to the US market”.

Merkel also reiterated his opposition to a suspension of patents on vaccines, which was joined by the US administration of Joe Biden.

I do not think that the suspension of patents is the solution so that there are more vaccines available to a greater number of people, said the chancellor.

I believe that creativity and innovation in companies are necessary, and for me, this includes patents,” explained Merkel.

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